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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Spiritual Autobiography Essay Example for Free
The Spiritual Autobiography Essay One of the interesting qualities of Japanese religion is the syncretism of its conventional religions, first are Zen Buddhism and Shinto. In Journey In Search of the Way: The Spiritual Autobiography of Satomi Myodo, Satomi gives a hypnotizing investigate the otherworldliness of Japan, through the eyes of what appears from the outset an improbable observer. Satomi’s encounters are untypical for a Japanese lady in the Meiji time, taking into account that she was the main little girl of her folks. Unimportant (2004) contends that by being a lone kid, Satomi got her parents’ entire venture of desires and dreams, a weight of obligation in any general public. Along these lines she was exposed to encounters that a town young lady around then would typically not have, for example, her instruction in Tokyo, her ensuing unwed pregnancy or her game plan as a Kageki entertainer. Her one of a kind experiences as both a Shinto miko and a Zen pious devotee are an understanding to the blend of the two religions in current Japan. When Satomi first occupied with quite a while, she was doing it to set herself up to turn into a miko. At first, she was not happy with her experience, maybe portraying herself a short time later as no happier over she was previously. This decontamination procedure isn't special to the Shinto religion, however her battles can be named all the more a shamanistic nature mirroring her experiences with the kami. Satomi kept on taking part in a parsimonious way of life a short time later, in her revelation of Zen. As indicated by Nixon (2000) â€Å"At this point Satomi’s parsimony is less serious, and she deliberately relates it to her act of contemplation, however it serves a comparative capacity †I. e. , one of purposely disappointing a lower level structure of reliance, all together that the dynamisms of a more significant level of character may develop, as to be sure they do with her first kensho experience. †(standard. 14). In spite of the fact that she discovered genuine illumination and otherworldly strengthening in the act of Zen, her underlying involvement with decontaminating the soul with Shinto has given her earlier prologue to the existence she will lead as a Zen religious recluse. Also, Satomi’s disappointments and achievements in her job as a lady in the Meiji-period society gave her the character and ingenuity required in her quest for satori. By rehearsing zazen, Satomi discovered extraordinary harmony and delight, something she was scanning for since the earliest reference point. It very well may be contended, in any case, that her Shinto arrangement was a venturing stone towards discovering edification. Her first kensho experience, at fifty-nine years of age arrived behind schedule throughout everyday life, and her commitment towards this experience made her a model of accomplishment in any strict way. Zen and Shinto were at the hour of Satomi isolated, with Shinto after the Kannagara no michi convention that was utilized in pre-war Japan to ingrain a nationalistic soul on the Japanese. From the beginning nonetheless, the impact of Buddhism on Shinto is obvious and the best model would be the depiction of Kannagara no michi as showing a base condition of common and unconstrained congruity with the kami, to which one may return by relinquishing human want and imitation. This consolidation of convictions is normal for the confidence of present day Japanese individuals today, which accept Shinto and Buddhist lessons as a feature of the way of life and otherworldliness of Japan. Satomi’s account is clear and distinctive, offering equity to the setting and setting of her life’s story. The Journey In Search of the Way: The Spiritual Autobiography of Satomi Myodo is a generally excellent perusing on the religions of Japan, and particularly corresponding to the job given to ladies. R E F E R E N C E Nixon, Laurence. (2000). A Dabrowskian Analysis of a Japanese Buddhist Nun [Electronic Version]. The Dabrowski Newsletter, 6(2). Negligible, Genevieve. (2004). A Wild Woman in Buddhism: A Critique of the Life of Satomi Myodo. Recovered April 7, 2007, from http://poeme. memory-inn. net/scholarly/satomi. pdf
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Investigating the molecular basis of oligomerisation specificity using Essay
Researching the sub-atomic premise of oligomerisation explicitness utilizing curled loop peptides - Essay Example The examinations have recognized that there is sudden and general relationship between's trigger arrangements (Indispensable components for looped curl development) and wound loop oligomerization state explicitness .Through the utilization yeast archytype snaked curl space transcriptional factor activator GCN4 as a model framework, it was discovered that oligomerization state determinants that are trimer explicit and entrenched ,exchanged the topology of the peptide to a trimer from a dimer, simply subsequent to being embedded into the trigger grouping. The outcomes were affirmed with 2 other curled loop dimmers that isn't connected (cortexillin-1 and ATF1).It is additionally shown that numerous topology determinants have the limit of existing together in a similar trigger arrangement, and this uncovers a sensitive equalization of the resultant oligomerization state through powers that are position subordinate (Steinmetz et al., 2007). Because of the straightforwardness of this leuci ne zipper, the alpha helical looped curl has been generally utilized in an expansive number of studies that have focused on the key standards of protein strength, oligomerization and collapsing (Steinmetz et al., 2007).In this case, the snaked curls as of now are misused as multipurpose device in different applications seen to be expanding consistently just as extending from fundamental research to medication. It is notable that what is alluded to as trigger grouping assumes a basic job in controlling curled â€coil arrangement. The particular component of a few trigger groupings is that they have a limit of collapsing into a few sensible stable monomeric helices before the development of the wound curl structure (Kammerer et al.1998) Recently, the NMR structures of peptide spreading over the GCN4 trigger succession was settled and shown that the structure is balanced out by electrostatic communications and a system of hydrogen securities (Steinmetz et al., 2007) The trigger
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Some Megaphone, Pressed Against An Insects Brain
Some Megaphone, Pressed Against An Insect’s Brain DID YOU KNOW? Tyra Banks is 510 tall and weighs 161 lbs. I am 59 3/4 tall and weight 150 lbs. I have taken a cue from fellow blogger Lulu and changed my name to Samsam Siam. No no, Ive actually just taken all the spare pictures from last month that I had meant to blog and assembled them together into one photo entry so I can move on with my blogging life (and believe me, this time Im really gonna move it!). My pictures arent quite as good as Lulus, but American Idol is on and Nicole Tranquillo seriously looks like shes having a heart attack right now, so Im too distraught to fix them at all. This is Lauren, who was incredibly pink at the extraordinary holiday dinner party for Course 17: Political Science. Look, MIT has not only girls, but also a political science department. Before your mind even goes there, Lauren is NOT EVEN a political science majorshes just a minor! My own connection to political science is even more tenuous (I was pretending to be Ruths date and shes a minor) but that didnt stop me from eating like 47 free peking duck spring rolls. I also took some pictures of my own outfit at the dinner, but I decided that posting them here would be a little gratuitous. Suffice to say that I think purple, red, green, and gold is a perfectly valid color combination. This person is MIT 10 and he came down from Hazleton, PA to visit me in Harrisburg over winter break, which is the second time that something like that has happened. Like Moria 06 and Friends before him, I managed to get him hopelessly lost within like 20 minutes of my house. Also he untags pictures of himself on facebook in which he thinks he looks bad, so hed probably have to crash the MIT admissions server if I named him here. After getting some reasonably-priced Harrisburg cheesesteak, we checked out the State Museum of Pennsylvania, where we saw this proud beaver preserved through the miracle of taxidermy (or maybe its just a fake model; Im not too sure really). Of course, I had to take its picture. Here is the same beaver hiding in its dark underground beaver hole. He must be a Course 10 major using Aspen to finish his problem set in the basement of Building 66, After seeing Dreamgirls later that afternoon, nothing happened to me for like two weeks. Oh, except I saw this Futurama clip and laughed for like three or four days straight. But then I got to go to the Pennsylvania Farm Show, the worlds largest indoor agricultural exhibition, which takes place a 5-minute drive away from my house. Have you ever noticed that, according to this blog, everything cool in the entire world happens within a 30 minute radius of me? Probably the most awesome thing about the farm show is the greasy food peddled by friendly mennonites. My high school friend Ben thinks that the point of the farm show is to consume as much food as possible within 5 minutes without throwing up. As you can see above, to achieve this end he does not close his gaping maw even for one second while in the food court. Seriously though, the milkshakes will make you feel like my high school friend Allison. Not like my high school friend Michael J here, who is not excited by most things, except the band Gogol Bordello. Of course, most farmshowgoers think that THE SUPREME GRAND CHAMPION is the coolest thing there. Personally, I like the champion Asiatic chicken better but then again I am drawn to shiny and colorful things, like a hungry ostrich. Actually, you ought to watch out for the champion Asiatic chicken. How about an alpaca? Here my beloved high school friend Shana, the supreme grand champion of my heart, pets this adorable little booger. And heres this years model of the famous farm show butter sculpture! BUTTER. This year it was Benjamin Franklin inspecting the Liberty Bell. And as a supreme grand champion of the environment myself I was excited to find that this years entire butter sculpture is being converted into biodiesel for consumption in Pennsylvania farm equipment! DID YOU KNOW? that [emailprotected], a new club or, uh, something started by my friend Joe 08 (maybe my ex-friend after that description) is now one of the Top 10 finalists in a national contest sponsored by GE and MTVU? Go vote for [emailprotected]! Now Joe 08 will be my friend again. YOU GET VASELINE!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Truman Capote s The American Dream - 1928 Words
The definition of the American Dream varies from person to person, however, its basic components include a healthy, happy family, a sense of safety and security, and a sufficient amount of money. People from all backgrounds strive to achieve their specific American Dream, however, actually achieving this proves extremely difficult since the nature of the American Dream is often unrealistic, fragile, or elusive. Many artists, authors, and poets use their art to explore or comment on this heavy, complex topic. Specifically, Truman Capote investigates the American Dream through his work of creative nonfiction, In Cold Blood, which centers on the violent murder of a Kansas family in the 1950’s. After interviewing law enforcement officers,†¦show more content†¦The fact that he secretly smokes and does not live up to his own high standards reveals the impractical nature of the perfect family. The community views the Clutters as the American Dream family, however, Capot e implies that a perfect family is an illusion. Later in his description of the Clutter family, Capote focuses on Bonnie Clutter, the mother of both Nancy and Kenyon Clutter and wife of Herb Clutter, and her postpartum depression, which forces her to remain indoors and keeps her from community events. After the birth of her youngest child, Kenyon, â€Å"the mood of misery that descended never altogether lifted; it lingered like a cloud that might rain or might not.†(27) In describing the depth and intensity of Bonnie’s mental illness, Capote utilizes a simile to compare her depression to a gloomy cloud to demonstrate how just as storms hang in the sky and create a dark, melancholy feeling so does Bonnie’s depression constantly loom over her and ruin her daily life. Although Bonnie has created a typical healthy family, she cannot care for her family or involve herself in raising her children due to her constant, almost crippling depression. With Bonnieâ€⠄¢s flaw, Capote shows again the unrealistic nature of an American Dream family. Bonnie’s â€Å"cloud†of depression prevents the Clutters from truly achieving the family life of the American Dream. Near the end of Capote’s description of the Clutter family, he introducesShow MoreRelatedTruman Capotes In Cold Blood1591 Words  | 7 Pagesand provides insight into the condition of that society. The American Dream is a dominant theme in American literature, and in Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood, the idealistic dream is critically evaluated. In this paper, I will explain the context of the work, and then I will compare and contrast Dick any Perry (the murderers) with the Clutter family (the murdered) in relation to the theme of the fragility of the American Dream. Capote wrote what he considered to be the first nonfiction novel. SimplyRead MoreBased on True Events A Glance into the Nonfiction Novel Genre979 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The best nonfiction recognizes the impossibility of perfect representation, the dream of the 1:1 ratio,†(Sharlett). What Jeff Sharlet means in this quote is that facts cannot be perfectly represented, regardless of any type of imagery or descriptions, so a good nonfiction work uses only what is needed to get the message across. Beginning in the 20th century, many nonfiction writers would even look towards fiction for the resources to describe what was considered impossible to describe (Taylor)Read MoreThe Authors Biases in Into the Wild and In Cold Blood1062 Words  | 5 Pagessituation. In both Into the Wild and In Cold Blood, the authors form distinct opinions about their main characters and believe family structure heavily influenced their future. Truman Capote forms a close relationship with convicted murderer, Perry Smith, and allows his own personal perception of Perry to influence his story. Capote repeatedly puts emphasis on the fact that Perry comes from a troubled background and portrays him as a victim rather than a murderer. Perry confesses to a night he â€Å"remembersRead MoreCharacters In Truman Capotes In Cold Blood1330 Words  | 6 PagesJoseph Bouchie Honors English 9/1/17 Part 1: In the first chapter of â€Å"In Cold Blood†, Truman Capote switches between stories of the Clutter family, Dick Hickock and Perry Smith. This transition allows Capote to focus on multiple accounts at once, and to connect the lives of the Clutter family to their killers. Dick and Perry are two essential characters in the first chapter as the beginning is told from Perry’s view. Dick Hickock is an uneducated somewhat charming man who didnt regret killingRead MorePerry Smiths Nature And Nurture1304 Words  | 6 Pages However, others say the way life treats a person defines them. In the case of Perry Smith, nurture seems to be casting the deciding vote in his life. Nurture definitely trumps nature in deciding the way Perry Smith s inner thoughts, feelings, and actions take shape. Perry Smith s inner musings form as a result of the suffering he undergoes throughout his life. Perry contemplates many thoughts that the reader is able to see in In Cold Blood, and these thoughts seem to have a great deal to do withRead MoreThe Life Of An American Literary Icon1206 Words  | 5 Pages Neelee Harrison Honors English 9 19 April 2015 The Life of an American Literary Icon I think there s just one kind of folks. Folks (Lee 304). Harper Lee is one of America s most famous and beloved writers of her time. She has inspired people with her unique down-to-earth writing voice and her presentation of the rawness of people and life in general. Because of Harper Lee, America has learned to appreciate the differences in others from ourselves because you never really understandRead MoreAnalysis Of Truman Capote s Cold Blood 1247 Words  | 5 PagesAdriana Reyes Professor Leigh Ann Weatherford English A102 November 22, 2016 In Cold Blood by Truman Capote is an exciting non-fiction novel and also a documentary of an authentic historical American crime. Capote utilizes distinctive voices to recount the story, making a closeness between the readers and the murders, the readers and the victims, and the various players in this eventâ€â€townspeople, agents, companions of the family. He doesn t simply introduce the actualities of the case, all throughRead MoreAnalysis Of Truman Capote s Cold Blood 1616 Words  | 7 Pagesto justice afforded to others elsewhere. America purports to have a duty to serve justice, yet the justice system provides little leeway to those whose crimes are not their fault. This notion of unfulfilled justice appears in In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. When Dick and Perry commit murder, the circumstances are such that Perry cannot be entirely accountable for the actions he took. Perry bears no responsibility for the crimes he committed; storied psychological illnesses and pitfall s compromisedRead MorePsychological Trauma And Behavior Of The Cold Blood By Truman Capote1139 Words  | 5 Pagesyears old, stood trial for a murder that had occurred more than 20 years earlier. The victim, 8-year-old (Susan Kay Nason, was murdered on September 22, 1969). Franklin s daughter, Eileen, only 8 years old herself at the time of the murder, provided the major evidence against her father. What was unusual about the case is that Eileen s memory of witnessing the murder had been repressed for more than 20 years (The Reality).†After psychological trauma, repressed memories can occur. Psychological traumaRead MoreAnalysis Of Truman Capote s I Am A Criminal1952 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"people who dislike baseball†. Like I said, you can say it in a thousand different ways. However, for one man, Truman Capote, the dividing line between two people was a rather complex one. In regard to a person’s ethos, if you will, an individual is not â€Å"born into†a certain role in society, rather society determines one’s role. That being said, the point I am trying to make is that, Capote firmly believes that Perry was not born a criminal, after all, how is it even possible to be born a criminal
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Negative Effects of Divorce - 1303 Words
Divorce can be one of the biggest environmental pressures put on a child with lasting affects that can lead well into their adulthood. With an increase in the number of divorces taking place each year it is starting to become a major concern for not only children and their families but also for society as a whole. Every year around one million children are affected by divorce; furthermore when looking at this year alone half of the children born will see their parents divorce before they reach age eighteen (Fagan Rector 2000). There is multitude of research showing the multiple effects that divorce can cause on a child that will last well into adulthood, potentially affecting future generations. With a look at structural functionalism we can see families play a big role in society, without them we would not have the stability and solidarity that families create. Divorce obviously plays a big role in breaking apart structural functionalism, and can even be considered a ‘social dysfunction’ according to Robert Merton (eLearnPortal, 2013). The functionalist theory looks at the beneficial outcomes for society and individuals. When one typically thinks of divorce, it is usually thought of as something negative, especially when children are involved and being affected. Although divorce is not always negative, for instance in situations of conflict and abuse, families are much better off getting a divorce and therefore creating a positive outcome. When looking at the negativeShow MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Divorce1475 Words  | 6 PagesDivorce is the termination of a marriage or marital union, the canceling or reorganizing of the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage, Divorce occurs after a husband and wife decide not to live together anymore and they do not want to marry one another. They agree to sign legal documents that allow them to marry other people if they so wish. Divorce is a problem that is increasing every year. It also affects our society, which most countries face. Divorce causes many negative effects, someRead MoreNegative Effects Of Divorce1718 Words  | 7 PagesDivorce is a controversial issue in the United States. On one side of the argument, some researchers claim that children of divorced parents are still able to adapt to their new environment and have an enhanced level of maturity, among other things. On the other hand, researchers like Karl Zinsmeister believe that the effects of divorce on children can never be fully overcome and marital conflicts cause significantly less damage to children than divorce does (Zinsmeister, 1996). The purpose of thisRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Divorce1710 Words  | 7 PagesGetti ng a divorce is not an easy decision. As a matter of fact, for many people getting a divorce is one of the hardest things they will have to deal with. Divorce has a long-lasting effect on the entire family. For example, according to Clarke-Stewart and Brentano (2006, p. 56), the couple getting a divorce can feel anxious and depressed by the situation. They also mention that children can be the most affected because they might feel confused and betrayed. However, the aftermath of divorce is differentRead MoreDivorce Negative Effects1285 Words  | 6 Pages2017 A Positive Outlook on a Divorce Divorce is always a dreadful experience in a persons life, especially a childs’. When parents divorce, children are left hopeless and confused. A divorce can cause a child to have a variety of different reactions. The effects on the child are much more important than the actual divorce. A divorce causes the most damage to the children in the divorce. Each child sees a divorce differently, but most divorces have a negative impact on the childs life. WhenRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Divorce1447 Words  | 6 Pagesworldwide is divorce. Research has shown that there is a significant amount of effects on children after a divorce. This is most likely because of the mental and physical chaos the children are feeling. In many divorce cases, there are long-term effects that hinders children from having a peaceful adult-life. These effects include: relationship issues, inability to make a place feel like a home, and the emotional hardship that comes with moving away from a parent . Aside from the negative effects divorceRead MoreNegative Effects Of Divorce1409 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Center for Disease Control and Prevention 813,862 divorces have been granted in 45 out out the fifty states in 2017 alone (Marriage and Divorce). Around half of those divorces will involve children. With divorce becoming a prominent phenomenon it has become increasingly important for the two parties involved to remain courteous. Children’s lives are easily impacted when they are forced to go through this life altering situation. Divorce can inflict damage both mentally and psychologically. WhenRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Divorce689 Words  | 3 PagesWith approximately 876,000 divorces per year in the United States alone, many people today are bringing up the controversial topic: should divorces be made harder to obtain? Many people think that it would be best if families stayed together, while others believe that an unhappy marriage is useless, and the dissolu tion of the marriage is the best choice. However, with current laws being the way they are, the process of getting a divorce is too simple, which is why people tend to opt out of theirRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Divorce1089 Words  | 5 Pagesending a marriage, but it can no longer ignore the massive effects that come with it, especially to children. To the parents, the effect is separation from one another. To the children, the effects include engaging in drug abuse to get over the emotional turmoil, committing a crime to earn money to support the family, and performing poorly in school, especially in spelling, reading, and mathematics (Scott et al., 2014). With the rate of divorce increasing rapidly in the country, children are going toRead MoreNegative Effects Of Divorce On Children1072 Words  | 5 PagesWhat are the Negative Effects of Divorce on Children When I was five years old I was forced to make a choice. This was a choice many children should not have to make and can never really be prepared for. My parents were getting a divorce and they decided it was in my best interests to give me the option to live with whomever I chose. It was a burden that to this day affects my relationship with one of my parents. Ultimately, I chose to live with my mother and from then on, my father would barelyRead MoreThe Negative Effect of Divorce on Children Essay941 Words  | 4 PagesThe Negative Effect of Divorce on Children Divorce has a negative effect on the psychological and social aspects of our children, which may appear instantly or not come to the surface for years. This is why I think that divorce should only be a last resort and not rushed into even by couples with the most troubled marriages. The only acceptable reason for someone rushing into divorce is if they or their children are in danger. I believe that marriage is a commitment not to be taken lightly and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Company Man Analysis Essay Free Essays
ANALYSIS 7 Essay: The Company Man The typical business man involved in corporate America works anywhere from six to ten hours per day. Phil, â€Å"the Company Man†worked six days a week sometimes until eight or nine at night, making himself a true workaholic. Using his life story before he died Goodman is able to convey her liking toward Phil but her dislike of what the business world has turned him into. We will write a custom essay sample on The Company Man Analysis Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Not only does Goodman use a number of rhetorical devices but she also uses Phil’s past as well as the people who were once in Phil’s life to get her message across to her reader. Ellen Goodman sarcastically creates the obituary of a man who dedicated his life to his job and the company he worked for. Goodman uses anaphora, satire, diction, sentence structure, and selection of detail to complete her obituary of this â€Å"Company Man†. Emphasizing the fact that Phil worked himself to death, Goodman chose pure sarcasm to make this particular emphasis. She shows through this repeated phrases, that he must have chosen work over family quite often, working to provide for his family which resulted in the simple fact that â€Å"he worked himself to death, finally and precisely, at 3:00a. m Sunday morning. Goodman’s use of repetition leads to show her satirical writing. â€Å"On Saturdays, Phil wore a sports jacket to the office instead of a suit, because it was the weekend†shows Goodman’s use of satire in one of the many examples throughout the obituary. Toward the end of the essay, Goodman describes how the company president starts the funeral with a hint of sarcasm, â€Å"discreetly of course, with care and taste†using a tongue and cheek method to provide a subtle shift in tone. The president then begins to question who will replace Phil ending with a paradoxical sentence â€Å"‘Who’s been working the hardest? †getting down to the business of replacing Phil, providing another example of a stereotypical business approach. The vivid diction describes the sarcasm that Goodman has towards Phil. Goodman composes her paragraphs with careful rhythm and beat; she repeats â€Å"finally,†â€Å"precisely†and â€Å"perfect†three times. Phil’s constancy and lack of variation are embodied in rigid words such as â€Å"always,†â€Å"of course,†and â€Å"Type A. †Extreme diction such as â€Å"overweight,†â€Å"nervous,†and â€Å"workaholic†convey Phil as a worrywart with no fun at all in his life. These words mock Phil as a man sincerely obsessed with work that had lost track of his priorities. Goodman deepens her point when she introduces Phil’s family, using diction in relation to business to further emphasize the importance of work to Phil. To Phil’s wife Helen, â€Å"A company friend said ‘I know how much you will miss him. ’ And she answered, ‘I already have. ’†His eldest son tells the reader of how he went around the neighborhood gathering research on his father. His daughter recalls how whenever she was alone with him they had nothing to say to each other. When Phil’s youngest son reminisces on how he tried to mean enough to his father to keep him at home. Goodman informs the reader that the youngest child was Phil’s favorite. Goodman’s sentence structure of long, short, long, helps the shorter sentence stick out more to the reader. But she ends the paragraph with a sad ironic sentence, â€Å"My father and I only board here. †implying that he never really was successful. The descriptions of Phil in â€Å"The Company Man†are sardonically accusatory of the present way people live in society. Goodman makes light of how Phil is a heart attack waiting to happen, his seventy-hour workweeks and egg sandwiches. â€Å"Of course,†used thee times, translates as the acceptance that we have towards intolerable living conditions in order to fulfill the American dream. Like many Americans, Phil is constantly obsessed about his work and whether or not he will ascend to the top position. Through these details she describes the monotonous, repetitive way that society exists today. Throughout the column, images negatively portray the lifestyle that Phil lives. Superficially, all seems well because his family lives a comfortable existence. Emotionally, however, his family has missed his emotional support for years. His wife, Helen, gave up â€Å"trying to compete with his work years ago. †All of his children grew up in a so-called normal family with a father and mother. At his funeral, though, they do not have enough memories about him to say a proper eulogy. Phil himself was â€Å"overweight†and unhealthy, obsessed with work and negligent with his personal life. Goodman condemns the lifestyle that Phil leads by using negative and poignant imagery. Ellen Goodman develops an attitude of pity for Phil, and resentment for the company through rhetorical techniques by portraying that to his wife and to his children, Phil had become so consumed with his position as one of the Important People that he had all but completely removed himself from their emotional reach for the sake of his company life. Goodman’s vision of the corporate world and its influence and affect on our lives is portrayed through her diction and choice of detail in her anecdote of the reflection of the life of the A-Type, workaholic, Phil. How to cite The Company Man Analysis Essay, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Auditing and Assurance Services Identification
Question: Discuss about the Auditing and Assurance Services Identification. Answer: Introduction: The obligation of duty of care varies with the each case scenario as the severity of duty enhances the extent of responsibility. A greater duty of care will arise when it relates to the matters which are presumed to be in the knowledge of professional accountant or where fees are charged (Gay and Simnett, 2010). A Professional accountant may accept a commission from the third party in connection with the sale of goods and services to a client. In the present case, Peter Harmon, professional accountant advises its clients to purchase computer services from Bunker L Ltd. In consideration Bunker, L Ltd has promised to pay 10% commission. Peter Harmon hasnt violated Accounting code of ethics. According to Section 120 of APES Code of ethics for professional accountants states that a Member in practice may accept referral fees related to the client but only in certain situations (Mironiuc, Robu and Robu, 2012). This acceptance of commission or referral fee creates a self-interest threat objectivity, professional competence and due care but accountant has to disclose the clients about the arrangement in connection with the sale by the third party to its client. Here the accountant has to disclose about the arrangements in relation to the commission to the clients to safeguard the threat relating to self-interest. In this situation, there can be a breach of the principle of objectivity and Professional Competence and Due Care. According to Section 140 of APES Code of ethics for professional accountants imposes an obligation on all members to refrain from: Disclosure of confidential information attained as a result of professional and business relationship without appropriate and definite authority, except where it is a legal duty or duty to disclose (Arens, 2007). Making use of confidential information to their personal advantage or advantage for the third party; In the above case, David Smith has referred it clients to insurance companies without letting them know. It is the obligation of the auditor to maintain confidentiality about the information acquired due to business and professional relationship. However, in the given case the auditor has disclosed confidential information (Glover, Taylor and Wu, 2015). Here David smith has to let know the clients about this fact that he has referred their names and about the arrangements in connection with the commission which the auditor will receive in consideration. In this situation, there is a breach of confidentiality. In accordance with the auditing ethics of Australia, it is important to accomplish audit work by considering professional approach and being committed to the work of client. As per the provided information in the scenario, it can be noticed that there is not a proper aspect for securing information provided by the client as information can be assessed by anyone and it can lead to clients (Glover, Taylor and Wu, 2015). By considering this factor, in this case, there is the possibility of violation of the ethical principle of the objectivity and Professional Competence and Due Care. References Arens, A.A, 2007. Auditing and assurance services in Australia: an integrated approach. Pearson Education Australia. Collings, S., 2014. Frequently Asked Questions in International Standards on Auditing. John Wiley Sons. Gay, G.E. and Simnett, R. 2010. Auditing and assurance services in Australia. Mcgraw-hill. Glover, S.M., Taylor, M.H. and Wu, Y.J. 2015. Mind the gap: Factors contributing to purported deficiencies in auditing complex estimates beyond auditor performance. Available at SSRN 2504521. Mironiuc, M., Robu, B. I. and Robu, A. M., 2012. The Fraud Auditing: Empirical Study Concerning the Identification of the Financial Dimensions of Fraud. Journal of Accounting and Auditing Research and Practice, 2.
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