Thursday, October 31, 2019
Art World Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Art World Project - Research Paper Example he sculpture, see the way that these natural forces work through and with the sculpture for various effects and view the animated landscape around the sculpture to see how it interacts with the world around it. In addition, different types of sculpture work in different ways, all employing their own techniques to illicit a desired response in its viewing audience. The way that these parks come into existence and the effect they have on their audience is collectively referred to as an ‘art world.’ This is because the production of this work is dependent on a variety of factors. â€Å"The existence of art worlds, as well as the way their existence affects both the production and consumption of art works, suggests a sociological approach to the arts. It is not an approach that produces aesthetic judgments, although that is a task that many sociologists of art have set for themselves. It produces instead an understanding of the complexity of the cooperative networks through which art happens†(Becker, 2008: 1). Through its interaction with its natural settings, simplicity of design and the patience of the viewer, contemporary sculpture succeeds in conveying a message to cultures worldwide as is evidenced by the art world of a sculpture garden such as the â€Å"Real World†by Tom Otterness. When discussing current art practices, including many of the approaches recently taken to sculpture, it is important to include the main ideas associated with the â€Å"politics of representation.†This collective term makes a distinction between the content of an image and the form of the image, or the sublime versus the visual. This idea suggests that the content or the sublime cannot have its own form or visual nature, but that the form is indivisible from the content whether the creator intended this connection or not. The reason for this phenomenon being that art is not static, but rather interactive with its audience and the political and social ideas of the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Comparative Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Comparative Advertising - Essay Example All comparative advertising is designed to highlight the advantages of the goods or services offered by the advertiser as opposed to those of a competitor. In order to achieve this objective, the message of the advertisement must necessarily underlie the differences between the goods and services compared by describing their main characteristics. The comparison made by the advertiser will necessarily flow from such a description. The rules on competitive advertising are defined by statutory law, in specific rules, in addition to the general rules on unfair competition. Main rules belong to advertising law, but they are in strong competition with the competition law rules. Interests of competitors as well as those of consumers are protected by both Acts. Before October 1994 there were various laws in the UK restricting comparative advertising, thought not prohibiting it per se. For example, the use of a trade mark registered in Part A of the trade Marks Register by a third party in it s advertising constituted trade mark infringement under section 4 (1) (b) of the Trade Marks Act 1938, regardless of the content of the advertising. The 1990 White Paper, Reform of Trade Mark Law, noted that public opinion towards comparative advertising had changed, but that it was unacceptable to allow an advertiser to ride on the back of a competitors trade mark. mark. 2Section 4 (1) (b) of the 1938 Act was replaced by the new Act by section 10 (6), which aims to strike a balance between the interests of consumers in being informed by one manufacturer about the products of another and the interests of proprietors of trade marks in protecting their brands from competitors emphasizing features of the trade marked product of service which are not to their advantage. The section states: Nothing in the preceding provisions of this section shall be construed as preventing the use of registered trade marks by any person for the purpose of identifying goods and services as those of the proprietor or licensee. But any such use otherwise than in accordance with honest practices in industrial or commercial matters shall be treated as infringing the registered trade mark if the use without due cause takes unfair advantage of, or is detrimental to, the distinctive character or repute of the trade mark. The UK courts are guided by the stipulations in section 10 (6) and are prone to give particular judicial credence and review to specific aspects as it relates to conformity: (a) honest practices in industrial and commercial matters (b) without due cause to take unfair advantage of, or is detrimental to, the distinctive character or the repute of the trade market. The courts have analyzed section 10 (6) and concluded that an infringement must satisfy both a & b as stated. Which is to say, it must be in contrary to a reasonable standard of what constitutes honest practices in industrial and commercial matters and without due cause. Take unfair advantage of, or be detrimental to, the distinctive character or repute of the mark. The court was requested to rule on an infringement complaint in Barclays Bank3 Ptc v. RBS Advanta (1997). In an action seeking interim
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Female circumcision in other states
Female circumcision in other states An estimated 100 million to 140 million girls and women worldwide have undergone female gender mutilation/cutting (Population Reference Bureau, 2008). This figure is enormous and unsurprisingly, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is an extremely controversial topic within the international sphere. Whilst some may argue that it is simply natural and a general norm within certain areas and cultures, others, largely from the Western world, believe it to be an infringement of a basic human right and so many concerns and condemnations of the practice emerge from an ethical and humanitarian perspective. Engaging with this debate involves studying the works of two academics, Martha Nussbaum and Yael Tamir, both providing counteracting views towards such a complicated debate like this one. This essay examines the practice of female circumcision, arguing that it is legitimate for states like the UK to attempt to bring them to an end, thus agreeing with the argument made by Nussbaum, namely that we should be ashamed of ourselves if we do not use whatever privilege and power has come our way to make it disappear forever (Nussbaum, 1996). My argument however is one of states only being able to legitimately intervene where FGM is being practiced against the will of females, yet if the practice is warranted and women, of adult age, consent to it, then it is not as permissible for states to intervene. Cultural opinions and determination are not valid enough reasons to allow such a horrific process to continue, specifically due to the medical implications of the circumcision procedure as a whole. The Capabilities Approach by Nussbaum (1999) is examined within this essay therefore, in terms of arguing that females should have the choice of whether or not to go through with the act of FGM as this procedure removes their opportunity to fulfil their full capabilities as both human beings and as women. Thus this goes hand-in-hand with the argument that states are legitimate in interve ning to allow capabilities to be satisfied. Finally, a series of policy recommendations are made with respect to the ways in which states, such as the UK, can intervene legitimately to prevent such practices occurring in future years, the key one being education. These measures will therefore protect the human rights and social welfare of females across the world, along with other institutions i.e. Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). FGM is commonly performed on young girls as a rite of passage to womanhood (Rahman and Toubia, 2000, p.3). Since the early 1990s, FGM has gained global recognition as a serious health and human rights issue. Often this act is committed for social and cultural values as opposed to medical ones and so it is very difficult to begin a process of change as in order to do this, as the whole thinking of society and its actors would need be adjusted. Largely conducted within African countries, the practice, although having decreased in recent years, still poses a threat to the rights and capabilities of women in such areas. The fall in numbers of females undergoing such circumcision coincides with numerous global efforts to target excisors, medical professionals, and families who perpetuate the practice (Population Reference Bureau, 2008). Political will and implementation of such legislation however is the key hurdle to achieving this. FGM poses severe health risks, both physical and psychological in both the immediate/short-term and also the long-term. Some of these medical problems include: haemorrhaging, infections, septicaemia, shock from the severe pain and loss of blood, risks during childbirth, and in extreme cases, death (Slack, 1988, p.451). Other side effects include: infertility, cysts and abscesses, urinary incontinence and psychological and sexual problems (Population Reference Bureau, 2008). Intense trauma is often caused as many of the females who undergo this operation are of an incredibly young age, held down by force and circumcised with little, if any, anaesthesia (Slack, 1988, p.454).These medical consequences for women who undergo genital mutilation are unbearable to even think of, let alone experience, yet still the practice continues due to the myths which surround the issue i.e. females being sterile until they have been excised and so the procedure will supposedly increase fertility (Slack, 1988, p.447) and other myths that the clitoris is incredibly dangerous to women so if not excised will be harmful to the foetus, physically and spiritually (Slack, 1988, 460). Such myths are of course based on fictitious information but due to social pressures are not questioned but preserved, as has been the case for many years. The following map illustrates where FGM is at its highest and thus such areas are the first which need to be aided through state intervention to stop it. Statistics have shown though, that although the practice is still occurring, largely within third world countries, the number of women undergoing FGM has actually fallen and so this is indicative that some level of progress towards eradicating FGM is occurring. African countries, specifically Egypt, Mali, North Sudan and Ethiopia are (according to 2009 figures) experiencing the highest rates of female circumcision procedures. In international relations, both high priority and low priority political issues need to be addressed, seeking global communication, negotiation and interaction. Globally, greater interconnectedness and increasing multicultural societies are leading to both domestic and international issues being discussed at a global level. This is indicative of states helping other states in terms of economics i.e. through increased trade and assistance during globalisation, and politics i.e. through the exchange of political ideologies and support. The argument here posits that if it is legitimate for states to intervene in economic and political issues, is it not also legitimate for states to intervene, when and where necessary, to improve social welfare and quality of life of the less fortunate? This does of course refer to intervention to stop FGM and resultantly improve the social welfare of women across the globe. Governments duty to take action against practices like female circumcision is e mbedded in international human rights treaties and thus states must comply with this (Rahman and Toubir, 2000, p.44). FGM is therefore a violation of a fundamental human right, and as the process cannot be reversed, the consequences are horrific. Bleeding profusely, reproduction problems, and even death are the terrible repercussions that those who undergo the process will endure. Hence these are serious medical implications and these are medical explanations for stopping the practice, as opposed to the usual moral explanations often spoken of within international ethics theory (Jaeger, Caflisch and Hohlfeld, 2009, p.31). Tamir (1996) however, makes the argument that before looking at other countries, we should look at our own countries as they are highly unlikely to be perfect. I disagree with this to some extent, particularly in relation to the issue of FGM. Countries where this occurs may simply believe this to be a custom or norm, something that is a normal and unquestionable pa rt of a females life. Without being educated and increasing awareness though, this disturbing process will continue. The people living in such small communities view FGM as normality, relying on myths on which to base the rest of their lives. Thus, it is the duty of those more educated i.e. in the West, to use education as the catalyst to bring about change and in turn stop this practice from occurring against the will of females. So why is it that FGM is seen as disgraceful whilst male circumcision is not seen with such unacceptability? A key reason for this relates to religion i.e. in Islamic teachings, male circumcision is natural and compulsory for all Muslim males. Male circumcision is not as harmful in any way when compared to FGM is and men are still able to fully function both physically and sexually whereas women arent. Male circumcision outside of Islam is often undertaken for hygiene reasons and so all of these reasons clearly display the picture that within most societies around the world, male circumcision is widely accepted as a type of norm. The term female circumcision seems to suggest an analogy with male circumcision yet in actual fact, the degree of cutting in female circumcision is anatomically much more extensive (Rahman and Toubia, 2000, p.4). In addition to this, FGM is seen as a way of sexually controlling females and although in current political debate this may seem to be rather liber al in appearance, references to cliteridectomy commonly reveal a patronizing attitude toward women, suggesting that they are primarily sexual beings (Tamir, 1996). Thus many advocates of cliteridectomy are concerned with corruption i.e. that the operation will restrict female sexual desires and in turn this will make them chaste wives and mothers (Tamir, 1996). The issue here though is that sexual enjoyment from women is not an openly discussed matter, but rather a taboo in many traditional communities, and so cliteridectomy is in itself symbolic of repressing female sexuality. Such non-Western cultural practices like FGM often symbolise resistance to the dominance of the West i.e. in Kenya, whereby cliteridectomy gained life as a political tool between British Colonials and African Nationals (Brown, 1991, p.262, cited in Jaggar, 2005, p.577/578). The counter-argument to this though lies within the hypothetical example given by Tamir (1996): mutilation enables women to be free of their reliance on men and thus they are able to function fully in order to follow social and political aspirations. The more common argument however is one of cliteridectomy and similar practices being corrupt in nature, restricting women and not allowing them to break free of the imposed barriers with respect to sexuality. All of these issues relate back to cultural and traditional values and so it often impossible to think beyond ones own culture. Nussbaum, a liberal feminist, provides an almost world-view which encourages people to think outside their own cultural box, raising the argument that just because something is done i.e. FGM, this does not mean that we cannot question it or interrogate it for the greater good. Her concerns therefore lie with issues of morality, freewill and choice. Nussbaum (1996) responded to Tamir (1996), focusing primarily on three points: (1) it is unfair to criticise another culture without being prepared to accept criticisms of ones own culture, (2) one cannot criticise another cultures acts without the certainty that their own culture is free of any evils, and (3) FGM is morally similar to dieting and body-shaping as within American culture. Nussbaum (1996) agrees with the first point, disagrees with the second and believes the third point to be egregiously wrong, con tending that the damage caused to women from extreme dieting and surgery can be undone in most cases, yet genital mutilation cannot be and so this is why it is of the greatest concern. The third critique Nussbaum (1996) makes is of greatest relevance as FGM is often compared cosmetic surgery and enhancements and so on by many theorists. It is often seen as the opposing argument, but as stated in the article, the eight differences between FGM versus dieting and surgery explain why Vogue is not illegal, whereas FGM is illegal in many of the countries where it occurs (Nussbaum, 1996). Nussbaum (1999) later built on Amartya Sens theory of Capabilities and this is of great relevance when examining the controversial topic of FGM. She understands capabilities to characterise each human life and is interested in ensuring that all persons have these capabilities to perform central functions, an explicitly Universalist standpoint. Her argument affirms that within the political arena, human beings exhibit moral capabilities which can in future be developed, yet such capabilities are deprived of the nourishment that would transform them into high-level capabilities (Nussbaum, 1999, p.236). Hence without these capabilities Nussbaum (1999) argues human beings are useless. With regards to FGM, the Capabilities Approach largely frowns upon the deprivation of individuals to have the opportunity to choose to be sexually active or indeed celibate (Nussbaum, 1999, p.238). Capabilities require constant development to be able to function fully. With respect to Nussbaums work, ten ce ntral human function capabilities are identified (Nussbaum, 1999, p.235). FGM breaks two of these capabilities, namely bodily health and bodily integrity (Nussbaum, 1999, p.235). Hence according to these, states are legitimate in intervening and influencing other states where practices like female circumcision are taking away the capabilities of their citizens. Resultantly, the Capabilities Approach is demonstrative of an accurate framework to use where the matter of states, like the UK, legitimising actions, such as FGM, is concerned. This Capabilities Approach was later put into action by the United Nations Human Development Reports, arguing that GDP per capita was not a true reflection of this and instead, Sen argued that how people live their lives and other similar economic indicators, need to be examined. Tamir (1996) opposes such points, arguing that there is much to criticise about ones own culture before one is able to criticise another. So common Western practices such as cosmetic surgery, in her argument, would be open to the same criticisms from non-Western countries as FGM is for people within the West. In her critique, states are not legitimate in intervening in other countries before they have addressed all issues of a similar nature within their own home country. With respect to this argument though, the fact of the matter remains that those individuals who undergo surgery and other cosmetic enhancements are usually doing so out of their own personal choice and so this raises other concerns as to why people feel the need to do this, as opposed to intervening to stop it. Other theorists are generally more reluctant for intervention to occur i.e. Walzer, who would argue that intervention of any kind would only be necessary if a clear case of genocide was being demonstrated whe re thousands of victims were losing their lives. In my critique of this though, the practice of FGM, although maybe not as severe as genocide, is indicative of female oppression and so causes a predictable number of deaths which could have been prevented had the right systems been put into place through state intervention. The factor specific to FGM which makes it appropriate for outsiders to intervene and attempt to halt it is that of women not being given a choice of whether or not to undergo the procedure. Women should be able to decide for themselves whether or not they wish to be circumcised, with no pressure from external forces, yet before such a decision they must be made aware of the implications in terms of health and future capabilities. This is what Nussbaum (1999) is referring to in her Capabilities argument as outlined previously. As prosperous developing countries, it is the obligation and duty of states like the UK to intervene to stop FGM when it occurs against the will of women, at least until sufficient change is seen and this change fosters sustainability. The following section therefore examines the ways of doing this. Since the early 1990s, FGM has been recognised as a global human rights issue and so numerous efforts have been made to end it or to at least reduce the number of cases of it occurring. Initiatives such as the annual International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation on February 6th, introduced by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in 2007, demonstrates this, calling for greater government commitment to programmes preventing the practice (Obaid, 2007). Although female circumcision is a heavily criticised practice in many developed countries, it is not feasible to simply condemn the practice as this suggests that Western culture is paramount. Understandings of cultural relativism need to transpire but more importantly, a process of change needs to be instigated. Nussbaum (1996) is correct in critiquing Tamir for this (suggesting cultural relativism is a valid argument), explaining how it is difficult to morally decide whether or not intervention should be committed in terms o f local or distant acts, and although individuals will legitimately prioritise about these decisions, this does not mean that we should not intervene. Poor education and low levels of income among women in African countries, coupled with inadequate governmental support (Wakabi, 2007, p.1069) are the key issues regarding the eradication of FGM and only when such problem areas are addressed, can progress begin to occur. Rahman and Toubia (2000, pp.58-68) identify three types of measure to be implemented in order to tackle the FGM issue: legal, regulatory and policy measures. It is important to note from the very beginning though that no single measure will be feasible if states are to intervene, but rather a series of combined approaches and changes must be adopted. Legal measures involve ratifying human rights arrangements to ensure that rights within such treaties are upheld and also carefully considering the imposition of criminal sanctions to dissuade people from committing the circumcision operation (Rahman and Toubia, 2000, pp.59-61). With regards to regulatory measures, suggestions have been made of disciplining those medical professionals who engage in the practice and removing their licences if they persistently offend (Rahman and Toubia, 2000, p.68). Finally, but most importantly, policy measure areas are discussed, these being: education, the media, empowering women and increasing access to reproductive welfare services (Rahman and Toubir, 2000, pp.68-71). The primary way of states intervening legitimately, in my argument, is through the process of education. By educating those within the countries where the practice of FGM takes place, the root cause of the problem can be targeted. This has previously been done through NGOs and alike, yet states too can intervene to promote adequate social welfare for the women within countries where FGM is a severe issue. Older generations need to be approached and made to understand the deficiencies associated with the practice and thus ultimately this will feed through to younger generations. Simultaneously though, younger generations too need to be targeted as t hey are the future and by educating them, forthcoming generations of females will be protected against such a painful practice. Governments need to begin devoting resources to providing FGM practicing countries and communities with information about the negative effects of the procedure and about human rights as important. Such information however must emphasize the potential psychological and physical impact[as well as] examine the history and purpose (Rahman and Toubir, 2000, p.68). If we now examine the media, the argument made is one of facilitating public dialogue and discourse about FGM along with the promotion of women to be free from FGM by various media outlets (Rahman and Toubir, 2000, p.69). This is a very good suggestion, yet in my critique, isnt feasible due to the fact that media within FGM practicing countries is relatively low, if at all existent. Thus this policy recommendation is good in theory yet in practice may not be as simple as first assumed. Empowering women is the third suggestion, self-explanatory in nature yet the ways of doing this include reforming policies which prevent women from improving their status i.e. social, economic etc, ensuring women can work alongside men and that issues of equal pay are addressed (Rahman and Toubir, 2000, p.70). Again this poses potential difficulties in that in certain rural communities, women are not seen as employable and do not have the opportunity to go out to work and more importantly have not been educated enough to undertake even the most low-skilled job positions. Hence such a recommendation is reliant on the previous policy suggestion of education, as only when communities are educated will the women within them be able to start working legitimately. The final proposal is that relating to reproductive services for females within the communities where female circumcision is occurring. These services are critical in providing women with accurate information about FGM as a whole in terms of th eir reproductive health (Rahman and Toubir, 2000, p.71). This is a great service as it is well-known that women who have been circumcised require regular medical attention and so this would address this issue and make it a more widely recognised initiative. Hence the ideal outcome of this is that women, who understand the severity of the practice for their health, will be less likely to make their daughters go through with it (Rahman and Toubir, 2000, p.71). This is ideal and would be the best possible solution but, Rahman and Toubir (2000) fail to consider the impact of community, religious, cultural, family and social pressures on women who do not undergo the FGM operation. Thus reproductive services although being an invaluable resource, are not as simple and easy in terms of changing social attitudes immediately. In the long-run however, reproductive services do have the potential scope to be a success. Other suggestions for intervention include: withholding aid to those countries where FGM is continuing to happen along with working with local groups to support advocacy efforts promoting negotiated, verbal intervention as opposed to plain physical intervention. The critique of this though relates to speaking but taking no action and some theorists would argue that an issue like FGM can only be tackled by head-on intervention that doesnt pussyfoot around the topic but rather stops the practice for the horror it causes, and rightly so. It can be argued by many that these policy recommendations are too simplistic and idealistic yet the fact of the matter remains that before any of these can be implemented, government structures need to be changed. In places like Somalia, several humanitarian organisations have launched campaigns to stop the spread of FGM, yet the widespread insecurity and absence of a central administration have only handed minimal success to their efforts (Wakabi, 2007, p.1070). A case study of Mali however informs us of the positive impact of NGO based intervention, working alongside local communities and governments. The initiative here used a mobile cinema travelling from village to village to encourage the open discussion of womens health issues and once trust had been established, discussed FGM more openly in an attempt to change social attitudes towards it (Good, 2010). This programme has increased awareness about FGM amongst the Malian community, and is beginning to get positive results in M ali, where women are deciding against their daughters being circumcised (Good, 2010). Kenya too has undertaken programmes, the key one being Ntanira Na Mugambo which translates to Circumcision by Words (BBC News, 1998). This week long programme secluded women from males, informing them about FGM in a subtle manner i.e. referring to anatomy, reproduction, self-esteem building, dealing with peer pressure and respecting adults (BBC News, 1998). Thus this type of programme didnt abhor FGM outright but rather tackled the issues surrounding it, offering an alternative view yet allowing the women to make up their own minds. Another project was employed in Uganda where an Outreach Plan was created, targeting leaders of rural communities who commit the practice of FGM. Such a plan provided local community leaders with economic incentives to stop the process i.e. that those women who undergo FGM find it incredibly difficult to work and thus their contribution to the workforce is trivial (Rahman and Toubia, 2000, p.78). Such intuition prevents women from being forced to be circumcised whilst also positively impacting upon productivity and as a result increasing economic efficiency. Outside pressure does still exist though and experts on FGM believe it is vital to actively engage with communities to ban the practice and penalise those who still conduct it. Thus as said before, education, although the most important element of this process of instigating change, cannot simply be the only solution, but rather must be combined with a series of other strategies. To conclude, FGM is a practice heavily debated about within international relations due to the ethical concerns it raises and ultimately infringes. Cultural relativist positions would argue that is necessary to understand the behaving of different groups due to cultural backgrounds, yet the stance that we should simply accept differences is highly critiques where FGM is concerned. In my critique, the practice is one worthy of severe condemnation, yet through little fault of the people continuing it but rather the myths and general history surrounding it. Hence, ultimately it is these myths and historical factors that need to be eradicated in order to promote the safety of women across the globe, particularly in less-developed countries. Thus this essay has agreed with and supported the argument put forward by Nussbaum that it is legitimate for states like the US and UK to intervene to bring the practice of FGM to an end yet this is relative to the situation. My core argument however remains that if women are being forced to undergo genital mutilation, then it is acceptable for states to intervene through the measures discussed previously. However, if the procedure if consented to and women are voluntarily wishing to go through with it out of their own freewill, then states are not legitimate in intervening. Intervention thus is dependent on the factor of choice towards FGM, yet women and men alike should be educated about the medical and psychological consequences of it. Additionally, such education should enlighten communities about the falsities of the myths they cling on to and how they are in actual fact untrue. The Capabilities Approach is fundamental to this process of education as it informs the public of how FGM can harm and worsen the capabilities of women. Education however will not work alone and must be accompanied by a series of other policy measures, namely legislation, regulatory policies and reproductive services. It is therefore legitimate for states like the UK to intervene to halt practices like FGM, according to the circumstances outlined in this essay and through the policy recommendations suggested. Bibliography BBC News (1998) Female genital mutilation [online] Available from: [Accessed 25th November 2009] Good, H. (2010) Mobile cinema helps change attitudes about female genital mutilation/cutting in Mali [online] Available from: [Accessed 21st March 2010] Jaeger, F., Caflisch, M. and Hohlfeld, P. (2009) Female Genital Mutilation and its Prevention: A Challenge for Paediatricians in European Journal of Paediatrics, Vol. 68, pp.27-33. Jaggar, A.M. (2005) Saving Amina: Global Justice for Women and International Dialogue in Pogge, T. and Horton, K. (2008) Global Ethics: Seminal Essays (eds.), New York: Paragon House, pp.565-603. Nussbaum, M. (1999) Women and equality: The capabilities approach in International Labour Review, Vol.138, No.3, pp.227-245. Nussbaum, M. (1996) Double Moral Standards? A Response to Yael Tamirs Hands off Clitoridectomy [online] Available from: [Accessed 7th March 2010] Obaid, T.A. (2007) Statement on the International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation [online] Available from: [Accessed 21st March 2010] Population Reference Bureau (2008) Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Data and Trends [online] Available from: [Accessed 25th November 2009] Rahman, A. and Toubia, N. (2000) Female Genital Mutilation: A Guide to Laws and Policies Worldwide, London: Zed Books Slack, A.T. (1988) Female Circumcision: A Critical Appraisal in Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.10, No.4, pp.437-486. Tamir, Y. (1996) Hands off Clitoridectomy: What our revulsion reveals about ourselves [online] Available from: [Accessed 7th March 2010] Wakabi, W. (2007) Africa battles to make female genital mutilation history in World Report 2007, Vol.369, pp.1069-1070.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Whirlpool Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
Whirlpool The world is experiencing a third wave in the economy and many changes are taking place. One of these changes is the growing corporation that decides to go global. Most U.S. companies, both large and small, are rapidly acknowledging the necessity of global marketing. The demand for foreign products in the fast-growing economies of Europe, South America, Asia, and Pacific Rim nations offer one example of the benefits of global thinking. One company that has adapted to this new economy by globalizing has been Whirlpool. In 1989, Whirlpool Corporation embarked on an ambitious global expansion with the objective of becoming the world market leader in home appliances. However, by the mid-1990s, serious problems had emerged in the company’s international operations. Whirlpool’s European profit fell by 50%, lost $70 million in Asia, appliance sales in Brazil plummeted by 25% although the company invested hundreds of millions of dollars to modernize operations. In response to these problems, Whirlpool began to question the problems and called for the global restructuring effort (Johansson, 2000). What went wrong with Whirlpool’s global strategy? Did Whirlpool have enough understanding of how to create a global strategy? Was the appliance industry more suited for regional than global? What are some key success factors in appliance industry that Whirlpool did not have? Was it possible for Whirlpool to identify the problems and reacted earlier? In this case study, I intend to answer all of these questions that are mentioned above regarding to the appliance industry and Whirlpool Global strategies. There are four separate sections in this paper- the first two questions are related to the appliance industry i... ... now reaches markets in more than 140 countries, leading the markets in both North America and Latin America. Whirlpool is now number three in Europe and the largest Western Appliance Company in Asia. References Babyak, Richard J, â€Å"Strategic Imperative,†Appliance Manufacturer, Feb. 1995. C. Quintanilla and J. Carlton, â€Å"Whirlpool Announces Global Restructuring Effort,†Wall Street Journal, 19, Sept. 1997:A3, A6 Janesurak, Joe, â€Å"South American Sales Co.: Linking the Americas, Europe,†Appliance Manufacturer, Feb. 1995 Johansson, Johny, â€Å"Globalization Headaches at Whirlpool†Global Marketing, 2000, p85 Vlasic, Bill and Zachary Schiller. â€Å"Did Whirlpool gone Too Far Too Fast?†Business Week, 24 June 1996. Weiss, David D. and C. Gross, â€Å"Industry Corner: Major Household Appliances in Western Europe,†Business Economics, Vol. 30, Issue 3, July 1995: 67.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Inmates Rights Paper
Prisoner rights operate under the understanding that although a prisoner will be deprived of his or her freedom he or she will still be entitled to basic human rights, and these rights must not be infringed upon. Prisoner rights are an important set of checks and balances to help avoid illegal activity and regulate the actions of the corrections department in the criminal justice system. Even though these individuals have committed a crime, he or she is still a person and remains protected for certain basic rights guaranteed to him or her under the United States Constitution. Awarding individual rights to violators of the law created concern for public order advocates. In 1974, the courts developed a principle known as a balance test. A balance test is, A principle, developed by the courts and applied to the corrections arena by Pell v. Procunier (1974), that [sic] attempts to weigh the rights of an individual, as guaranteed by the Constitution, against the authority of states to make laws or to otherwise restrict a person’s freedom in order to protect the state’s interests and its citizens. Schmalleger, 2009, p. 521) With the balance test in mind, there are a few essential rights provided to persons in the United States by the Constitution. Four of the main amendments that protect prisoners are the First Amendment, the Fourth Amendment, the Eighth Amendment, and the Fourteenth Amendment. The First Amendment is an all inclusive right to the freedom of speech. This entitles prisoners to amenities such as mail, telephone calls, religion, and v isitation rights. Although the communication is supervised and restricted to locations the right is still present even during ones incarceration. Privacy while incarcerated is one right that cannot be effectively provided to individuals. Using the balance test, courts have determined an unannounced and thorough search of an inmate’s cell supersedes his or her right to unreasonable search and seizure. This right is provided to all citizens who are not incarcerated ia the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution (Schmalleger, 2009, p. 529). Like most laws governed by the Constitution it evolves and may award inmates a limited amount of privacy in the near future. The privacy will be very restrictive and pertain to actions such as unreasonable body cavity searches, seizure of legal documents, and harassment searches. The Eighth Amendment recognizes a legal precedent for prisoners and acknowledges that prisoners are not exempt from being treated fairly. The Eighth Amendment addresses the issue that a prisoner maintains the rights to be free from inhumane conditions by ensuring prisoners are not subject to cruel and unusual punishment. Prisons provide basic amenities to prisoners as a result of this amendment. The essentials usually provided from this Amendment items such as toiletry goods, food, basic shelter, basic clothing, medical assistance, and limited recreational options for mental and physical health purposes. The Fourteenth Amendment provides all citizens of the United States the right to not be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. The Amendment also ensures all persons within its jurisdiction have equal protection of the laws, and the right to access the courts. This amendment is a catch all for prisoners and can be supplemented to every rights violation grievance to have his or her complaint heard before a court. The civil rights act of 1871 falls under the United States Code title 42 section 1983. Section 1983 states, Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage of any State or Territory, or District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceedings for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer for ann act or omission taken in such officer’s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia. (U. S. C.  § 1983) The Civil Rights Act of 1871 can be summarized as anyone who causes a person to be deprived of rights guaranteed by the Constitution is liable to that person. Though inmates are in prison, the rights awarded to them under the Constitution still apply. The Americans with Disabilities Act was implemented to prevent discrimination against anyone with a disability. It also gives a disabled person the right to accessibility of transportation, telephones, and housing. Through this act, inmates with disabilities have the right to accommodations that assist with the person’s mobility and living (Department of Justice, 2011). The California Department of corrections is responsible for the operations of all adult and juvenile institutions in the state of California (CDCR, n. d. ). The State of California created the California Code of Regulations Title 15, Crime Prevention and Correction. The code breaks down the steps, procedures, and definitions, pertaining to the care and management of inmates and parolees. According to Title 15, â€Å"Inmates are directly and constantly supervised or monitored, and observed by the CDC staff, either custody staff or work supervisor as indicated in those regulations, sufficiently to account for the specific where about of the inmates at all times†(3000, Title 15, p. 11). The primary reason for the creation of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, and the California Code of Regulations, Title 15 is to protect the civil rights of the inmates and parolees. Inmates and parolees have the right to be treated respectfully, impartially, and fairly by all employees (3004, Title 15, p. 18). Prisoners are also given rights such as the right to communicate with their family and friends, the right to accept visitation, and the right to be fed but limited and with restriction. Prisoners do not enjoy freedom. The law recognizes the importance of visitation. The prisoners can accept visits while they are incarcerated because the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s goal strives to transition that prisoner back into the community, and understands the influential role allowing the individuals to keep in touch with society provides to meet that goal. Under the California Code of Regulations Title 15, prisoners have the right to accept visitation while they are incarcerated, but they remain in a controlled environment. Inmates and visitors must follow various rules such as visitors talk to prisoner through telephones, specific days and times, and designated locations for visits. Inmates are not allowed to engage in intercourse with their visitors and fellow inmates. Any violations of laws regulations or local procedures governing the visit may result in termination, suspension, revocation, or denial of visiting with the person or persons involved as described in section 3176 of the Title 15. Such a violation may also result in exclusion from the facility as described in section 3176. 3. Balancing prisoners individual rights and the maintenance of public order will forever be under a continuing resolution. The Constitutional laws are ever-changing and interpreted on a case-by-case basis. The balance is essential to maintain the safety of the public and prisoners alike. References Schmalleger, F. (2009). Criminal Justice Today, 10th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson/Prentice Hall. United States Code, Title 42, Section 1983. Deparment of Justice. (2011). ADA Home Page. Retrieved from http://www. ada. gov. California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. (n. d. ). State of California. Retrieved from http://www. CDCR. ca. gov State of California. (2008). California Code of Regulations, Title 15, Volume 20. Retrieved from http://www. cdcr. ca. gov/regulations/adult_operations/docs/Title15-2008. pdf
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois and the Struggle
The book Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. Du Bois and the Struggle for Racial Uplift was affectively written by Jacqueline M. Moore and published in 2003. This book review will look at the following themes, Washington being a gradualist while Du Bois wanting confrontational immediacy, and the idiom, â€Å"if you can’t beat them join them. †What is also great about the book is that it starts with telling us about both philanthropist’s childhood to effectively reveal where each got their philosophies and unique characteristics and traits.The injustice of racism and its evident role in some of Americas most prominent political and social aspects have perpetuated rigorous and squalor lifestyles for those of non-Caucasian ancestry. Jacqueline Moore clearly states evidence how white people have such a long history of being the dominant group and why it is so hard for blacks to assimilate. In the book the writer simply told us a story of 2 men’s journeys for racia l uplift and wanted us to decide the theme for ourselves, telling both sides of the story in order to let us choose which of them we might agree with more.The author did a good job letting us know Washington and Du Bois’s goals. The style of the novel is interconnected with its themes. In the novel, not only does Moore convey the ideas and concepts of Booker T. Washington and W. E. B Dubois, but Moore also illustrates the theories of which consists of gradualism and immediacy. â€Å"Washington was a gradualist, and Du Bois favored immediacy. Washington advocated economic advancement and self-help; Du Bois favored political advancement. †(p. 7) Washington tries to possess the concept that, if you can’t beat them join them. This is one of the examples in the novel that Jacqueline Moore clearly and affectively states as evidence to one of the themes. The tone of Moore’s Novel is optimistic and assertive, which is evident when she says that â€Å"†¦ alt hough it was true that blacks had to make efforts to help themselves, without the support and encouragement of the white community and the elimination of discriminatory barriers, progress was not possible. (p. 72) Moore’s writing proves its effectiveness for it essentially explains Dubois’s theory of what blacks need to do too pursue a better life and achieve self-actualization that promotes higher possibilities and is free from lowering standards as he addresses his purpose, indicates his broad audience, and infuses a unique writing style that employs an in-depth point of view and an optimistic tone from Du Bois. â€Å"The difference was in the emphasis each man placed on his preferred method.Washington argued that industrial education should come first so that southern blacks could gain basic schooling and useful skills with which to make something of themselves. Du Bois argued that without higher education for blacks there would be no black teachers for the industr ial schools and therefor no chance for blacks to improve. †(p. 61) Again, the writer states the goals of the 2 men to make sure the readers are able to convey the information to their own understanding.Moore fills the readers with the knowledge that the white society of the past was philosophically corrupted and degraded the worth of black individuals due to white supremacy and the lack of cooperation from the whites, which depressed black’s motivation to instill within them their goals and expectations. The key to eliminating discrimination was to get the government to take initiative to end discrimination of the black race, but as time progressed, rebellious natured individuals presented their disapproval for this racial uplift and started clans like the KKK in order to discourage blacks from earning political rights. As their situation grew increasingly desperate, many poor blacks lost faith in the possibility of integration that both Washington and Du Bois held out as the ultimate goal. †(p. 94). Supporting my thesis, many blacks have lost faith for racial uplift and started to think they couldn’t beat the white supremacist. â€Å"Eventually, after many struggles, the International Migration Society did send a group of 200 emigrants to Liberia in 1895 and another 321 in 1896. (p. 100) The book also did a good job stating statistical facts. One of the class discussions that we had was â€Å"Was it too early to migrate back to Africa? †We asked ourselves this and had a big debate over it, but the novel states that only about 1,000 black people took the ship back to Africa while the population of blacks at the time was somewhere around 8,000,000, that is not even 1 percent and most couldn’t even afford it.It was important that the book stated facts showing that although blacks tried very hard to become part of the dominant group, they did not have the tools and money to do so as the whites were very powerful when it came to black rights. They did not understand how hard the standard of living was for blacks, so the people of color continued to be ridiculed by the army of brainwashed drones, who stood tall at the pinnacle of ignorance. Overall the book did a good job adding to my understanding of the subject.A lot of what I read in the book was learned in our in class lectures giving me a head start. Moore wishes to guide her readers out of their blind state of mind and use the perspective of the two philanthropists in order find their way through the often dark and bleak aspects of racial uplift. Before reading the book I knew little to nothing about Washington and Du Bois, but affectively it has managed to reveal all I need to know about the two and all that they have done in their efforts to achieve justice.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Bill French, Accountant Essay Example
Bill French, Accountant Essay Example Bill French, Accountant Essay Bill French, Accountant Essay Abstract Break even analysis is a method that has been applied by many business operations in determining the least operational points which they can operate and still remain in business. It is very important for a business that has just entered the market and wants to win its market share before it can set the selling prices for its prices. It is also applicable in events where here are a number of competitors a firm wants to win. Break even point is defined as the point below which a business cannot operate. At this point, the business should be able to cover all its costs, which are fixed and variable costs. It is measured in either product units or dollars. Bill French, Accountant The break even analysis is a very important tool to help any firm in deciding on the best operational volume. It requires three types of costs namely the fixed cost, variable cost and selling price (Dayananda, et al, 2002). As Bill French puts it, â€Å"the level of operation at which total costs that is, variable plus non-variable are just covered is the break even volume†and it is the least volume that an organization should operate in order to remain in business (Harvard Business School, 1987). There are several assumptions that are made in order to calculate the break even figures since with all the factors considered, it is very hard to compute the figures. In determining the break even figures for the firm, French makes some implicit assumptions. Most of these assumptions are evident in the conversation he is having with the participants at the meeting. In his calculations, Mr. French does not give room for the excepted sales volume increase which according to Cooper, one of the participants from the production department, will increase sales by 20%. He further assumes that the plant capacity is only at 90% utilization implying that it is not fully utilized. However, we learn from Williams (who is from the manufacturing department) that the plant capacity may be at 100% as he argues that in some of the sectors, there is no room for further expansion. Mr. French does not consider the three products produced by this firm individually but rather on averages proving that it will not be easy to calculate break even figures for each of the products individually. In fact, French argues â€Å"that there is only one break even point for the firm†and thus it is the only point to be hit whether considering each product individually or in group (Harvard Business School, 1987). It is evident that the method used by French to calculate for the break even analysis does not allow for change in the product mix since he assumes that nothing will be altered. For instance, the price of product C is very low and therefore need to be included in the analysis that there are products which may change in prices but this is not the case with French. Bill has also assumed expected union demands, taxes and dividends. With French revising his method of calculating the break even analysis, he will have to consider some other increase and decrease in costs. This will make the break even figures change to 2,000,000 units as the aggregate figure. The sales volume is 400,000 units for product A, 400,-000 for product B and 950,000 for product C. The unit sales will be $6. 948 as the aggregate, $10 for A, $9 for B and $4. 8 for C. In order to pay the extra dividend of $25,000, the firm has to increase the sales volume as follows; the price per unit remains at $1. 2, variable cost at $0. 75 while fixed costs increase to $(520,000 +25,000) =$545,000. The units to cover for this; 1. 2x=0. 75x+$545,000= $545,000/0. 45x; x=1,211,111 units. In order to meet the union demands of 10% increase in production costs, it follows that the total variable costs will have to increase by 10% since production costs are in the variable costs category. The calculation of the break even units will be; 1. x=0. 75x+0. 1x+$525,000= $525,000/0. 35x; x=1,500,000 units. In order to meet the union demands and pay for the extra dividends, the break even point will be; 1. 2x=0. 75x+0. 1x+$525,000+$25,000= $545,000/0. 35x; x=1,557,142 units. With the break even analysis, the firm will easily make a decision on whether to alter the existing products. It is true with the alterations, the sales volume has to increase and if the firm finds that it is not possible to make the extra sales, it will have to stop with the alterations. For instance, it is planned that there is extra investment on the C product which will mean an increase in costs. Since the firm’s capacity is thought to be at the maximum, it will not be possible to make the increased investment. Break-even analysis is very useful tool in all business operations. Although it has the disadvantages brought about by the assumptions made, it has its own advantages as well. The disadvantages are the assumptions that everything produced is sold and at the same price. However, the advantages which make it useful and each of the firm is advised to use it are that it is cheap and it helps a firm acquire a loan. With its relationship of returns, volume, production and cost shown, the firm will be able to make decisions on whether to take some business ventures or to leave them (Accountingformanagement. com, 2009). With the use of a break even analysis, it is very easy to determine whether a firm is on the best track of doing business without making profits or losses. References Accountingformanagement. om. (2009). Break Even Point Analysis-Definition, Explanation Formula and Calculation. Retrieved from accountingformanagement. com/Break_even_analysis. htm#Benefits%20/%20Advantages%20of%20Break%20Even%20Analysis Dayananda, D. , Irons, R. , Harrison, S. , Herbohn, J. Rowland, P. (2002). Capital Budgeting: Financial appraisal of investment projects. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Harvard Business School. (1987). Accounting: Bill French, Accoun tant. Retrieved from hbsp. haravard. edu.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Understanding the Difference Between Race and Ethnicity
Understanding the Difference Between Race and Ethnicity Its common to see the terms race and ethnicity used interchangeably, but, generally speaking, the meanings are distinct. Race is usually seen as biological, referring to the physical characteristics of a person, while ethnicity is viewed as a social science construct that describes a persons cultural identity. Ethnicity can be displayed or hidden, depending on individual preferences, while racial identities are always on display, to a greater or lesser degree. What Is Race? The term race refers to distinct populations within a larger species. Racial characteristics are physical and can range from skin, eye, and hair color to facial structure. Members of different races usually have relatively minor differences in such morphology- a branch of biology dealing with the form and structure of animals and plants- and in genetics. All humans belong to the same species (Homo sapiens) and sub-species (Homo sapiens sapiens), but small genetic variations trigger varying physical appearances. Though humans often are subdivided into races, the actual morphological variations dont indicate major differences in DNA. The DNA of two humans chosen at random generally varies by less than 0.1%. Because racial genetic differences arent strong, some scientists describe all humans as belonging to a single race: the human race. What Is Ethnicity? Ethnicity is the term used for the culture of people in a given geographic region or of people who descended from natives of that region. It includes their language, nationality, heritage, religion, dress, and customs. An Indian-American woman might display her ethnicity by wearing a sari, bindi, and henna hand art, or she could conceal it by wearing Western garb. Being a member of an ethnic group involves following some or all of those cultural practices. Members of an ethnicity tend to identify with each other based on these shared traits. Examples of ethnicity include being labeled as Irish, Jewish, or Cambodian, regardless of race. Ethnicity is considered an anthropological term because it is based on learned behaviors, not biological factors. Many people have mixed cultural backgrounds and can share in more than one ethnicity. Race vs. Ethnicity Race and ethnicity can overlap. For example, a Japanese-American would probably consider herself a member of the Japanese or Asian race, but, if she doesnt engage in any practices or customs of her ancestors, she might not identify with the ethnicity, instead considering herself an American. Another way to look at the difference is to consider people who share the same ethnicity. Two people might identify their ethnicity as American, yet one is black and the other white. A person born of Asian descent growing up in Britain might identify racially as Asian and ethnically as British. When Italian, Irish, and Eastern European immigrants began arriving in the United States, they werent considered part of the white race. This widely accepted view led to restrictions of immigration policies and on the entrance of â€Å"non-white†immigrants. Around the start of the 20th century, people from various regions were considered to be members of sub-categories of the white race, such as â€Å"Alpine†and â€Å"Mediterranean†races. These categories passed out of existence, and people from these groups began to be accepted into the wider â€Å"white†race, though some retained distinction as ethnic groups. The idea of an ethnic group can also be broadened or narrowed. While Italian-Americans are thought of as an ethnic group in the United States, some Italians identify more with their regional origins than their national ones. Rather than view themselves as Italians, they consider themselves Sicilian. Nigerians who recently moved to the U.S. might identify more with their specific group from within Nigeria- Igbo, Yoruba, or Fulani, for example- than their nationality. They might have completely different customs from African-Americans who descended from former slaves and whose families have been in the U.S. for generations. Some researchers believe that the concepts of both race and ethnicity have been socially constructed because their definitions change over time, based on public opinion. The belief that race is due to genetic differences and biological morphologies gave way to racism, the idea of superiority and inferiority based on race, they charge. Persecution based on ethnicity, however, also has been common. Race Trumps Ethnicity New York University sociology professor Dalton Conley spoke to PBS about the difference between race and ethnicity for the program â€Å"Race: The Power of an Illusion†: â€Å"The fundamental difference is that race is socially imposed and hierarchical. There is an inequality built into the system. Furthermore, you have no control over your race; it’s how you’re perceived by others.†Conley, like other sociologists, argues that ethnicity is more fluid and crosses racial lines: â€Å"I have a friend who was born in Korea to Korean parents, but as an infant, she was adopted by an Italian family in Italy. Ethnically, she feels Italian: She eats Italian food, she speaks Italian, she knows Italian history and culture. She knows nothing about Korean history and culture. But when she comes to the United States, she’s treated racially as Asian.†Key Takeaways Differences between race and ethnicity: Race is biological, while ethnicity is cultural.Ethnicity can be displayed or hidden, while race generally cannot be.Ethnicity can be adopted, ignored, or broadened, while racial characteristics cannot.Ethnicity has subcategories, while races no longer do.Both have been used to subjugate or persecute people.Some sociologists believe that racial divisions are based more on sociological concepts than biological principles. Sources:
Sunday, October 20, 2019
SAT Historical Percentiles for 2005, 2004, 2003
SAT Historical Percentiles for 2005, 2004, 2003 SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you took the SAT in 2003, 2004, or 2005, you may be wondering what your percentile score is on the SAT. Is a 1400 on the SAT in 2005 the same percentile score as a 1400 in 2003? Do percentile scores change over time? 2005 was a big year in SAT history; the maximum score for the SAT changed from a 1600 to a 2400 in March of 2005. In March of 2016, the SAT will be going back to the 1600 maximum score. For this post, I will be focusing on percentile scores from before the SAT changed its format in 2005. In this article, I will explain SAT percentile scores, how they change, and I'll provide the percentile scores for SAT composite and section scores for 2005 and 2004. What Are Percentile Scores? Percentile scores reveal how well you did on the test in relation to other people.If you scored in the 90th percentile, you did better than 90% of test-takers. If you got a 40th percentile score, you did better than 40% of the people who took the test. The College Board determines SAT percentile scores annually from the scores of college-bound high school seniors who took the SAT. The higher your percentile score, the better you did relative to other college-bound high school seniors from that year. Do Percentile Scores Change? Typically, percentile scores for equivalent SAT scores stay roughly the same from year to year.For example, a 1400 was the 96th percentile in both 2005 and 2004.However, percentile scores can change very slightly.In 2005, a 1260 was the 85th percentile, but in 2004, it was the 86th percentile. (That's equivalent to about an 1860 on the current SAT.) The SAT does try to use its scoring system so that equivalent SAT scores are indicative of the same skill level and percentile scores regardless of when the test was taken.A 1300 in 2004 should be equivalent to an 1300 in 1984. How Should You Use This Data? Why Is It Important? Your percentile score is the most straightforward way to determine if you got a good or bad score.If you did better than the majority of test-takers, then you did well.However, when you apply to a college, you’re being compared with the other applicants to that school.Most schools publicize their 25th and 75th percentile SAT scores. If you want to be competitive for admission, your target score should be the school’s 75th percentile score. Keep in mind that if you took the SAT in 2003-2005, you probably won’t need your SAT score for college since scores are usually only valid for 5 years. However, a futureemployer may want to know your SAT score. Percentile scores help put your scores in context. A small composite score increase can have a huge impact on your percentile score if you received a middle score. A 1010 is roughly the 46th percentile, but a 1230 is the 82nd. 2003 Percentile Scores I was unable to obtain percentile scores from 2003, but as you’ll see, there is very little variation from year to year. I was able to determine that theaverage Verbal score for 2003 was 507 and the average Math score was 519. Composite Score Percentiles Score 2005 Percentile 2004 Percentile 1600 99+ 99+ 1590 99+ 99+ 1580 99+ 99+ 1570 99+ 99+ 1560 99+ 99+ 1550 99+ 99+ 1540 99 99+ 1530 99 99 1520 99 99 1510 99 99 1500 99 99 1490 99 99 1480 98 99 1470 98 98 1460 98 98 1450 98 98 1440 97 97 1430 97 97 1420 97 97 1410 96 96 1400 96 96 1390 95 95 1380 95 95 1370 94 94 1360 93 94 1350 93 93 1340 92 93 1330 91 92 1320 91 91 1310 90 90 1300 89 89 1290 88 88 1280 87 88 1270 86 87 1260 85 86 1250 84 84 1240 83 83 1230 82 82 1220 80 81 1210 79 80 1200 78 78 1190 76 77 1180 75 75 1170 74 74 1160 72 73 1150 71 71 1140 69 69 1130 67 68 1120 66 66 1110 64 64 1100 62 63 1090 61 61 1080 59 59 1070 57 58 1060 55 56 1050 54 54 1040 52 52 1030 50 50 1020 48 48 1010 46 46 1000 44 45 990 42 43 980 41 41 970 39 39 960 37 37 950 35 36 940 34 34 930 32 32 920 30 30 910 29 29 900 27 27 890 26 26 880 24 24 870 23 23 860 21 21 850 20 20 840 19 19 830 17 17 820 16 16 810 15 15 800 14 14 790 13 13 780 12 12 770 11 11 760 10 10 750 9 9 740 8 8 730 8 8 720 7 7 710 6 6 700 6 6 690 5 5 680 5 5 670 4 4 660 4 4 650 3 3 640 3 3 630 3 3 620 2 2 610 2 2 600 2 2 590 2 2 580 1 1 570 1 1 560 1 1 550 1 1 540 1 1 530 1 1 520 1 1 510 1- 1- 500 1- 1- 490 1- 1- 480 1- 1- 470 1- 1- 460 1- 1- 450 1- 1- 440 1- 1- 430 1- 1- 420 1- 1- 410 1- 1- 400 Section Score Percentiles Before the SAT changed its format in March 2005, the Critical Reading section was known as the Verbal section. The Verbal section included analogies. There were no iPads. Times were different. Critical Reading (Verbal) Score 2005 Percentile 2004 Percentile 800 99+ 99+ 790 99 99 780 99 99 770 99 99 760 98 99 750 98 98 740 98 98 730 97 97 720 96 97 710 96 96 700 95 95 690 94 94 680 93 93 670 91 92 660 90 90 650 88 89 640 87 87 630 84 85 620 82 83 610 80 81 600 78 78 590 75 76 580 72 73 570 69 69 560 66 67 550 63 64 540 60 60 530 56 56 520 52 53 510 49 49 500 46 46 490 42 43 480 39 39 470 35 35 460 32 32 450 29 29 440 26 26 430 23 23 420 20 21 410 18 18 400 15 15 390 13 13 380 12 11 370 10 10 360 8 8 350 7 7 340 6 6 330 5 5 320 4 4 310 3 3 300 3 3 290 2 2 280 2 2 270 2 2 260 1 1 250 1 1 240 1 1 230 1 1 220 1 1 210 1- 1- 200 Math Score 2005 Percentile 2004 Percentile 800 99 99 790 99 99 780 99 99 770 98 99 760 98 98 750 98 98 740 97 97 730 97 97 720 96 96 710 94 95 700 93 93 690 92 92 680 91 91 670 89 90 660 87 87 650 85 85 640 83 84 630 81 82 620 79 79 610 76 77 600 73 74 590 71 72 580 69 69 570 65 66 560 62 62 550 59 60 540 56 56 530 53 53 520 49 50 510 46 46 500 42 43 490 39 40 480 36 36 470 33 33 460 29 30 450 27 27 440 24 24 430 21 21 420 19 19 410 16 16 400 14 14 390 12 12 380 11 11 370 9 9 360 7 8 350 6 6 340 5 5 330 4 4 320 3 3 310 3 3 300 3 2 290 2 2 280 2 1 270 1 1 260 1 1 250 1 1 240 1 1 230 1 1 220 1 1- 210 1 1- 200 What's Next? If you're interested in looking at more recent percentile scores, check out SAT historical percentiles from 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011. Also, find out if the SAT predicts success and who uses SAT scores. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Social Animals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Social Animals - Essay Example As the research discusses the social conflict theory is thus applicable not only on individual or group level but it is applicable in the political scenario also. The base of the conflict is the power and the money, which one person or group has obtained and other has not. It is true that the power is gained by the individual with the help of money. Many writers, poets have written on the never ending topic of social inequality. The inequality will never be eradicated totally from the world until it does not leave the human mind.Thi paper stresses that exploitation of the lower class is the phenomenon which has been going on since ancient time. There has always been a wide gap between the rich and the poor class. The gap became wider at the advent of industrialization. Exploitation is the major purpose of the powerful class and for attaining this purpose, two methods are used. First method is the brute force and the second method is economics. If we study the entire human history we can realize that the class conflict is one of the major issues in the entire history of human beings. To discuss on the social conflict theory of Marx, a recent news story has been taken into consideration. The news is about the exploitation of a female senior citizen from lower class. If observed it carefully Marx’s theory of conflict can be explained by using this event. The news can be analyzed on different levels.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) - Term Paper Example Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is one of such organizations. This paper will discuss PIJ within the context of its organization, origins, ideology, goals, and objectives. In addition, it will discuss its leadership, funding, and capabilities such as physical bases or support/operating location(s), communications methods, training programs, and personnel strengths. The paper will finally provide a description of suspected and known lethal agents/weapons and delivery methods, as well as surveillance methods, propaganda, procedures in prior attacks, and significant dates/events that may be used in planning attacks. The PIJ was founded in the late 1970s by three radical Palestinian students, Bashir Moussa, Fathi Shikaki, and Abdul Aziz Odeh, who were studying in Egypt (Alexander 2002). This group was an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist and Sunni religious movement which origin lies in Egypt. It aims at seeking broad moral, political, and social reforms based upon the Islamic principles (Hatina 2001). The founders of this group believed that the Muslim Brotherhood had abandoned the Palestinian cause and that they had become very moderate. The formation of PIJ was inspired by the Shi’a Islamic revolution that had taken place in Iran. He PIJ blended Sunni Islamic fundamentalism, Shi’a revolutionary thought, and Palestinian nationalism into its ideological agenda. The United States has designated this group as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (Rashid 2003). This group believed that the liberation of Palestinians and annihilation of Israel are prerequisites for the creation of a pan-Islamic empire. The group further stressed that the conflict between Israel and Arabs is over a fundamentally religious conflict and not so much over territory (Cook 2009). It is against this background that the group rejected any diplomatic activity or political arrangements aimed
Essay - 500-600 words Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
- 500-600 words - Essay Example Solving or at least alleviating this problem would also benefit the fraction of the population who would constitute the next generation of America and these are the children. In upholding the welfare of American children, it is not only the economic side that should be improved for their future. Their moral and social welfare are far more important than their financial welfare. In addition to these is their ability to survive and adapt in various kinds of conditions. To resolve a problem that involves children, the root of the problem should be traced first. This economic slump that America is facing and affects the lives of all of its citizens down to the youngest American can be traced to its moral values. Stripping off all hypocrisy and admitting that degradation of values is one of the causes of this financial predicament would make citizens realize that excessive spending, unrestrained buying, and discontent on what one already has caused America to fall into this self-made pit. To help American children would call for changes not in their surroundings but on the children. Education is important but textbooks and curriculums are not the only factors that should be taught and improved in schools and at home. Teaching children to be frugal and to maximize things that can be found at home instead of constantly buying new items would be a great start and the best way to improve the lives of American children. Furthermore, improving lives of American children through education would also need lessons on survival through improvisation and activities that would develop their adaptability in different kinds of conditions. This way, the children would be emotionally prepared and would be capable to find and invent ways if sudden changes would occur as results of the changing status of the state. As the head of the state, there is nothing wrong in improving the financial and social environment of the nation for the present population and the next
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Eingemauert walled in (Germany's inner border) Essay
Eingemauert walled in (Germany's inner border) - Essay Example The city of Berlin became a strange sort of island within the Eastern portion. One half of the city continued with western capitalist shops and businesses, while the other half developed under the more repressive communist regime. Citizens and visitors could not cross over from one side to the other without extensive border checks, and most Berlin families were suddenly divided by this physical barrier. Many East Germans tried to break through the alarmed fences, which were guarded by troops in watch towers. More than a hundred people were killed in these attempts, because the guards operated a shoot-to-kill policy. The ugly wall, with its defensive mines and barbed wire became known as â€Å"the death strip.†The purpose of this wall was to keep East Germans inside the communist area and to prevent them from escaping to the wealthier and freer society in the West. In 1989 the wall was finally destroyed, when communism failed, and ever since then Germany has been reunited. The wall survives today only in a few symbolic places as a reminder of the recent
Argumentative research paper by pass surgery Essay
Argumentative research paper by pass surgery - Essay Example This paper addresses the argument while presenting substantial evidence on the importance of nursing staff in early recovery of bypass surgery patients. Nurses play a substantial role when it comes to surgery, because the slightestnegligence from the medical staff can actually lead to significant consequences including respiratory issues, infections, etc. Nurses have training and medical education to perform this task with unprecedented expertise(Lord, 2006). The counterarguments are also refuted on the basis of the fact that increased surgery cost is not associated with the nursing staff; rather, it has a direct link with the hospital’s management and policies which should be revised with strong government intervention. Argumentative Research Paper: Bypass Surgery Introduction Bypass surgery is done in order to facilitate the flow of fluids and remove excess body materials. The term is generally known for coronary artery bypass graft which is an open-heart surgery primarily d one to fix the blocked arteries going towards the heart. Heart issues and the related treatments have always been a part of medical practice, but surgeries have gained importance only in the 20th century (Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery, 2010). It has another type which is related to the weight loss, i.e.,gastric bypass surgery. When exercise and other medicines do not work in reducing weight and on the other hand, excessive weight increases the risks of other diseases, then gastric bypass removes excess fat from the body (Staff, 2011). Undoubtedly, bypass surgery is one of the most critical surgeries in medical treatments which do not only require an efficient group of medical doctors but also needlong-term support and facilitation by the nursing staff. Postoperative care of patients, either in the case of heart bypass or gastric bypass, is always a very challenging job for nurses, therefore they bear the greater responsibility of patients’ early recovery. Bypass surgeries do not always provide health benefits and sometimes they prove to be hazardous for the patients’ well-being if sufficient care is not provided (Lord, 2006). Thesis Statement Bypass surgeries are often related to severe adverse effects which might show up later in life. These affects can be easily controlled with the help of nursing staff and regular follow-up with doctors. However, a group of individuals comprising surgeons and patients believe that the role of nurse in bypass surgery is very limited and hence it only results in increasing the overall treatment cost. On the contrary, the other prevailing concept is that nurses play a vital role in patient care, which ultimately results in early recovery, and therefore they must not be neglected (Hughes, 2008). Considering the role of nursing staff in bypass surgeries, the following thesis statement is formulated, which argues and defends the role of nurses: â€Å"Bypass surgeries such as coronary heart bypass and gastric bypas s strongly require trained nursing staff apart from the team of surgeons and doctors.â€
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Confucius and Gautama Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Confucius and Gautama - Essay Example First of all, Confucian philosophy is based on the principles of decent way of life in order to create a strong and functioning state where people happily live together and respect each other. Thats why Confucian philosophy is engaged with obedience and mutual respectful treatment of citizens of a state. While Gautamas principles mostly talk about some abstract enlightenment people should try to attend throughout their lives and the process of ascension above everything material and temporal. Still those who say that these philosophies are similar also right, because the ways that Confucius and Buddha propose to become good and descent are concerning obedience and respect, tranquility and personal growth. Even though Confucius and Gautama can frequently be considered as quite similar, still their philosophies are about different things. Confucius considers state as the highest priority for every citizen and human, when Buddha says that people should strive to the personal enlightenment and mental
Argumentative research paper by pass surgery Essay
Argumentative research paper by pass surgery - Essay Example This paper addresses the argument while presenting substantial evidence on the importance of nursing staff in early recovery of bypass surgery patients. Nurses play a substantial role when it comes to surgery, because the slightestnegligence from the medical staff can actually lead to significant consequences including respiratory issues, infections, etc. Nurses have training and medical education to perform this task with unprecedented expertise(Lord, 2006). The counterarguments are also refuted on the basis of the fact that increased surgery cost is not associated with the nursing staff; rather, it has a direct link with the hospital’s management and policies which should be revised with strong government intervention. Argumentative Research Paper: Bypass Surgery Introduction Bypass surgery is done in order to facilitate the flow of fluids and remove excess body materials. The term is generally known for coronary artery bypass graft which is an open-heart surgery primarily d one to fix the blocked arteries going towards the heart. Heart issues and the related treatments have always been a part of medical practice, but surgeries have gained importance only in the 20th century (Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery, 2010). It has another type which is related to the weight loss, i.e.,gastric bypass surgery. When exercise and other medicines do not work in reducing weight and on the other hand, excessive weight increases the risks of other diseases, then gastric bypass removes excess fat from the body (Staff, 2011). Undoubtedly, bypass surgery is one of the most critical surgeries in medical treatments which do not only require an efficient group of medical doctors but also needlong-term support and facilitation by the nursing staff. Postoperative care of patients, either in the case of heart bypass or gastric bypass, is always a very challenging job for nurses, therefore they bear the greater responsibility of patients’ early recovery. Bypass surgeries do not always provide health benefits and sometimes they prove to be hazardous for the patients’ well-being if sufficient care is not provided (Lord, 2006). Thesis Statement Bypass surgeries are often related to severe adverse effects which might show up later in life. These affects can be easily controlled with the help of nursing staff and regular follow-up with doctors. However, a group of individuals comprising surgeons and patients believe that the role of nurse in bypass surgery is very limited and hence it only results in increasing the overall treatment cost. On the contrary, the other prevailing concept is that nurses play a vital role in patient care, which ultimately results in early recovery, and therefore they must not be neglected (Hughes, 2008). Considering the role of nursing staff in bypass surgeries, the following thesis statement is formulated, which argues and defends the role of nurses: â€Å"Bypass surgeries such as coronary heart bypass and gastric bypas s strongly require trained nursing staff apart from the team of surgeons and doctors.â€
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Investigating Special Education Essay Example for Free
Investigating Special Education Essay The DSP is committed to making sure all students with disabilities have equal education. The DSP offers a variety of services for disabled children. They have a Disability Specialist that identifies the disabled student’s personal needs. 2. National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability (NCWD) http://ncwd-youth. info Is a source for information about work and youth’s with disabilities. They are experts in employment, education, disabilities and the development of workforce and family issues. 3. OSERS-Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services www. 2ed. gov/about/offices/list/osers/nidrr/index. htm This is a main federal agency that supports training, applied research and development to improve the lives of people with disabilities. They are known for generating new knowledge and promoting and improving the disabled person’s ability to perform normal everyday task of their choice in a community setting. 4. Team (START) Special Needs Technology Assessment Resource Support Nsnet. org/start/learning. pdf There is a lot of technology available today where students can learn to cope with their learning disabilities to use technology, programming team, the teacher should understand the nature of the different learning by diagnosis and assessments. This only works if the technology matches the student’s needs. (Annapolis Valley Regional School Board 1996) 5. The National Education Association (NEA) www. nea. org/specialed The National Education Association supports a free, appropriate public education for all students with disabilities in a least restrictive environment, which is determined by maximum teacher and parent/guardian involvement. There must also be a full continuum of placement options, services, and delivery models available to students with disabilities. (National Education Association, 2002-2013). 6. Special Needs Center www. friendshipcircle. org/ This is a nonprofit organization that put teens and special needs people together to help them form a bond of friendship and they participate in many different weekly and seasonal programs. There are 25 weekly and seasonal programs. 7. Special Education Support Services (SESS) www. projectgenesis. us/. SESS is approved by the Connecticut Department of Education Transition Program for students with intellectual disabilities. The program includes job explorations, daily living skills assessment instruction, accessing community resources, social interactions and application of functional academics like budgeting the community and vocational assessments most students receive support in behavioral or social areas that have hindered them from growing and learning in the past (Justin Fox, Mentor) 8. National Center for Learning Disabilities www. ncld. org Your child has the right to a free and appropriate public school education. Getting involved in his or her education is among the most important things you can do as your childs advocate. As youll see below, you have a right to be a part of every decision regarding your childs education, including the process of finding out if your child needs special services. You know your child best, and your input should be considered at every opportunity. (NCLD Editorial Team) 9. Michigan Law Center www. lawfirmdetroitmichigan. com/ They are dedicated to providing effective comprehensive plans for families with children with special needs. They handle medical issues, financial issues, and social issues. They also help families find the resources they need. 10. The M. O. R. G. A. N Project www. themorganproject. org/ The M. O. R. G. A. N Project is a community based organization of volunteers who promotes awareness and facilitates support for parents with special needs children. They also enhance the Quality of Life for these families (Robert and Kristen Malfara, 2013) 11. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry www. aacap. org/ They state that children with special needs are entitled to receive additional services or accommodations throughout their years in public schools. Every child deserves a free appropriate education in a least restrictive environment available. Three Federal Laws apply especially to special needs children. 12. SOS Children’s Village, their motto is a loving home for every child. www. sos-usa. org/ As the most universally ratified human rights instrument, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, spells out those basic human rights that all children everywhere are entitled to. Its underlying values, or guiding principles, serve as a constant reference for the interpretation and implementation of childrens rights. (SOS) 13. Stand-Up (Stand University for Parents) stand. org/national/action/stand-up This is a research based family engagement course for parents with children in elementary school. They focus on actionable steps for parents to learn how to get involved in their child’s education and they make sure the child is ready for college if they choose to go. 14. Special Education News www. specialednews. com/ This site says that remedial instruction is aimed at improving an ability or skill in each student with special needs. They use many different techniques, for example, repeating information, more practice session, explain several times and devoting time o work on the student’s skills. The teacher leads them through the process. 15. Mission Valley Special Education Local Plan (SELPA) www. fremont. k. 12ca. us/Page/302 The Mission Valley Community Advisory Committee (CAC) brings together parents and professionals to promote the education of children with special needs. The CAC sponsors events to support awareness of parent’s rights, services available within the Tri-City community, and increase disability awareness. (Judith Cameron, Director, Special Services Mission Valley, SELPA) References: Disabled Students Program dsp. berkeley. edu/ National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability (NCWD) http://ncwd-youth. info OSERS-Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services www. 2ed. gov/about/offices/list/osers/nidrr/index. htm Team (START) Special Needs Technology Assessment Resource Support Nsnet. org/start/learning. pdf National Education Association (NEA) www. nea. org/specialed Special Needs Center www. friendshipcircle. org/ Special Education Support Services (SESS). www. projectgenesis. us/ National Center for Learning Disabilities www. ncld. org Michigan Law Center www. lawfirmdetroitmichigan. com/ The M. O. R. G. A. N Project www. themorganproject. org/ American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry www. aacap. org/ SOS Children’s Village, their motto is a loving home for every child. www. sos-usa. org/ Stand-Up (Stand University for Parents) stand. org/national/action/stand-up Special Education News www. specialednews. com/ Mission Valley Special Education Local Plan (SELPA) www. fremont. k. 12ca. us/Page/302.
Monday, October 14, 2019
A Study On Ancient Egyptian Religion History Essay
A Study On Ancient Egyptian Religion History Essay Religion played a very significant role in Ancient Egypt. Their religion was greatly inspired by custom and tradition. The Ancient Egyptians possessed a complex and intricate religion. Their main aim throughout their history was to emulate the conditions which they believed has existed at the dawn of creation. (Rosalie, 1988) Ancient Egyptian includes many religious beliefs and rituals performed in Ancient Egypt beyond 3,000 years. The religious beliefs centered on the worship of numerous deities who signified various features of ideas, nature and purposes of power, articulated by the ways of complicated and many archetypes. Ancient Egyptians were polytheists and worshipped literally hundreds of different gods, including their pharaohs, all of whom were believed to be gods in the form of men. The deities were worshipped with offerings and prayers, in family and home shrines including in temples which are administered by priests. Egypt never had a rational hierarchy because different gods were superior at different periods of time in Egyptian history and also the myths related with them changed over time. Nevertheless, religion of Ancient Egypt is recognized or learned prominently by people around the globe. Egyptians believed that the temple with premises as the actual home of the god. They performed their daily rituals by preparing a statue which they considered as their actual deity. The most important ritual was performed during the sunrise. They perform another ritual during the mid-day and the last one when the sun goes down. Before the dawn the temple area is filled with priests, temple servants are seen preparing offerings of food, drinks and flowers. Everyone who was to come into the attendance of the ritual had to be purified. Meanwhile in a room outside of the sanctum, only pharaoh and high priests were allowed where the offerings were set out. The offerings included incense burning and chanting of prayers by priests and priestess. At the same moment as the sun reaches above the horizon, the face of the god was to unseal. This represented the rebirth of the sun as incarnated in the statue. The statue was to wash, perfume, apply make-up and dress in clean clothing. The conclusi on of the ritual includes the high priest anointing the forehead of the statue with scented oil which affirms that the statue has been instilled with existence of the deity. The high priest seals the door of the sanctum and sweeps away his foot prints leaving no trace. Through their ritual and purifying of god, it was said that that the god will protect the two lands which were Upper and Lower Egypt. Religion has been described as a belief in and an admiration for supernatural powers regarded as creator and ruler of the universe. Egyptian religion encompasses their ancient gods, the mythology and other aspects of the religion such as creation, death and the afterlife. However, there are undoubtedly more complications to the religion, such as how the king played into this structure of religion, and ethical beliefs concerning what the god are expected of humans. The Egyptians had many tales regarding how the world started. According to one legend, it started with an ocean in darkness. Then a mound of dry land rose up and the sun god Re appeared. He created light and all things. Another version has the sun God emerging from a sacred blue lotus that grew out of the mud, while a third version has him as part animal and part human. (Heller, 1999) The Egyptian Book of the Dead covers the main thoughts and views in the Ancient Egyptian religion. Egyptians dedicated much time and wealth o n preparing for survival in the next world because of their peculiar belief on afterlife. Egyptians saw death as a temporary phase in the progress to gain a healthier life in the afterlife. They believed that they could only attain their full ability after death. Each person was to possess three souls, the ka, the ba, and the akh. The whole civilization of Ancient Egypt was grounded on religion which made their beliefs very significant to them. Their belief in being born again after death became their influential strength behind their funeral practices. Egyptian religion was complex and complicate, as well as vital to many Egyptians, but their polytheistic beliefs certainly caused problems. In the role of god-kings, a lot of burden was placed on the pharaohs. They were accused for when the land did not produce well, when there were problems with other countries. The Egyptian gods were never considered by them to be personal. Egypt was governed by pharaohs and the pharaohs were given the authority at the command of the Egyptian gods. This belief was so powerful in ancient Egypt that all through the nations chaotic history various pharaohs discontinue his reign to assure the public that they has obtained the power to reign from the ancient Egyptian gods. One pharaoh, a female nonetheless, even went so far as to concoct a wild story to insure her subjects saw her as divinely appointed by Hatshepsut. (The World of the Ancient Egyptian Gods, 2008) Apart from a short period of time when pharaoh Akhenaten tried to establish a monotheistic devotion to one god but the nation was ruled by numerous different Egyptian gods and goddess. Egyptian religion was so interconnected that more focus was provided to their family members and the names of the ancient Egyptian gods name. Throughout the three thousand year period of the polytheistic religion of Egypt was encompassed of a very complicated system of Egyptian gods a nd goddesses. They were the one who studied the knowledge of both the scared mystery teachings and the religious philosophies of the times. Pharaoh appointed different high priests to perform the sacred rituals at different temple because he could not carry out ceremonies at all the temples all over Egypt. Priests often give his throne down their positions from father to son. The priests responsibilities were to supervise the gods and listen to their needs. They also carry out funeral rites, teaching school, administrating the artists and works, and counselling people on problems. The priesthood of ancient Egypt has an extensive and profound history, entrenched within the traditions of Ancient Egypt. While the pharaohs were seen as gods, the priests and priestesses were perceived as replacement for the pharaoh. The job of the priests and priestesses were considered very high in Egyptian society, as is the situation with most ideally based societies. The spiritual characteristics of the priests and priestesses take on a minor role because the aspect of attaining the ethical and basic needs of the Egyptians. Though there work on society served as a method to order society, to establish a hierarchy, and to conserve the culture for future generations. The role of the priests and priestesses were both practical and spiritual on both levels. A priest or priestess in ancient Egypt was normally selected by either the pharaoh, or they accomplished their position by hereditary means. The priests and priestesses who received their positions hereditarily and through the king were allowed to continue their ordinary life. As a matter of fact, such priests were made to comprise the ordinary life to keep Egyptian society working properly. However the priesthood had begun out modestly, with moderately few temples, in the following reigns the temples increased into the hundreds. For such development, a large government was required to keep the temples in good position; and ther eafter, the establishment of small priesthoods of the Egyptians grew from an estimated hundred priests into the thousands later with it came a priestly hierarchy. Priests were often alternated from position to position within the hierarchy and were combined in and out of ordinary society. This alternation method normally went that a priest would enter into temple life one month, at three times a year. This alternation system had a straight association to the often severe purity rites of the priests. Irrespective of what position the priest was, there were numerous restrictions and traditions a priest had to or could not participate in. Ancient Egyptian religion was similar to current times. Everyone does not believe in the same way, or of the same god. Ancient Egyptian followed the same rule of not following the same god. Egyptian pharaoh worshipped their own gods so did the workers, priests, merchants and farmers of Ancient Egypt. Pre-dynastic Egypt had their own way of thinking and viewpoint of a god, which was articulated in symbols and pictures; writing was invented in order to convey spiritual thoughts to the people of ancient Egypt. Egyptians influenced many people regarding religion and Egyptians are known for their devotion towards their religion and gods.
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