Sunday, January 26, 2020
Effective Communication Is An Issue
Effective Communication Is An Issue Social work is a professional and academic discipline that pursues to progress the quality of life and wellbeing of an individual, group, or community by intervening through research, policy, community organizing, direct practice, and coaching on behalf of those distressed with poverty or any real or perceived social injustices and violations of their human rights (Cavanagh Lane, 2012). To make all this happen, social workers have to communicate with the people affected and listen their problems carefully in order to take them out from the painful situation. Social work relies heavily on communication to identify problems and solutions related to social behaviours, including family relations, workplace interactions and substance abuse. Lack of communication can lead to clients shutting down, stepping away from assistance or losing trust in their social worker. Developing strong communication skills helps social workers work more efficiently and effectively with clients, resulting in more positive outcomes with less confrontation and fewer missed opportunities. Communication is the ability to deliver/convey the thoughts, ideas or message effectively (Pathak Joshi, 2010). The exchange of thoughts, feelings, messages, or information, as by reading, speech, gestures, visuals, signals, writing, or behaviour is known as Communication. Despite of the fact, that language is the main element of communication. However the linguistic structure of all the languages are same, although according to cultural differences, they are been expressed differently. There are several skills for a social work or a psychology profession to communicate with their clients, although this essay will discuss the major communication skills which should be applied by psychological professional or a social worker towards his/her clients. Everybody needs to be heard and understood; active listening is also one of the communication skills which make it possible (Kelan, 2007). Social workers have to focus on his/her client sayings and must answer appropriately. Listening actively will make the client feel more comfortable and in this way he/she can discuss all the issues faced. Questioning is another technique for healthier communication. It is the way in which the social worker will be able to get as much information as he/she need, to make the right decision for the client and show him/her the right path, which leads him/her towards better future. Moreover, silence is one of the virtuous types of communication which social workers exercise. Suppose, if the client is too much upset or suffering from something of real anxiety and emotional behaviour, then silence is the skill used by social workers to calm the client down. Once, the client come to normal, then the communication takes place to resolve the issue by providing different suggestion. Technical jargons or slangs are some of the barriers in communication that the client would not be able to understand. To make the communication effective and realistic, one must not use the slangs or jargons because social workers would not be having any idea, whether the language or technical term they are using is being understood by their clients or is passing over the head of their client. Approaching open or closed question by the social workers is exercised while interviewing their clients. It is the quicker and easier way found to get quick response from the clients. Statistical interpretation can be assessed easily through close ended questions. Close questions are specific and are cost effective in survey method, although these questions do not offer the clients to express their desires and feelings. Communication skills every so often focus on picking the suitable words to reflect what theyre projected to convey, especially in social work. However listening remains an important element of effective social work communication. Social workers need to be vigilant about being active listeners while collaborating with clients, who may sometimes struggle to articulate their experiences. Focus attention on what clients, co-workers or controllers are saying by listening without worrying around what your reply will be. Repeat information to make sure youve understood, and ask additional questions to clarify information. When working with clients on a complex problem, non-verbal communication skills are critical for social workers. Sit or stand up straight when conversing to help stay alert. Social workers must lean towards clients when they speak to create familiarity, nodding to affirm that youre following along. Friendly eye contact should be maintained when culturally appropriate, they should not stare or prevent their eyes in awkwardness if someone begins to weep or cry. Says Pathak Joshi, 2010 that alteration into peoples breathing helps realize temperament; held breath might specify fear, while shallow, hasty breath might reflect annoyance or a highly emotional state. It is basically a challenging task to understand the language of the people where one works, because of communication barrier (if any). The basic ttool for social work is communication, although to communicate effectively there need to be some research done. As on average, Social workers have to answer positively when they are asked several questions regarding the work they are doing for the wellbeing society or community. Social work can be very physically and emotionally demanding work. When coupled with long hours and low pay and benefits, the turnover rate for social work can be quite high, especially among first-year social workers. This can be countered if supervisors use empathetic communication skills to provide support and prevent burnout. Asking your social workers focused questions can help them identify problems and solutions more quickly. Provide constructive feedback to recognize successes and defray negative effects of setbacks. Apologize for mistakes, misunderstandings or instances when you werent fully able to address the needs of your staff. Social workers must consistently undergo self-examinations about beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, fears and prejudices toward clients or situations to be effective communicators. Unexamined attitudes about drug use, child neglect, cultural biases or language choice may affect how you communicate with clients. It might be concluded that communication plays an important role in making relationship strong and to help other understand the right meaning to its best. The language social workers and psychology professionals use to communicate in their profession must be easy for the client understand. Psychology professional and social worker must ask questions, remain silent, gestures, communicate empathetically, listen, reflect and build rapport, clarify towards their clients where appropriate. Social workers or psychology professionals must be aware of assumptions held when communicating with clients, supervisors or other social workers related to the case; these may prevent them from seeing the things objectively and helping develop an appropriate solution.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Police Discretion Essay
Discretion is one of the tools used by police officers discretion that allows them to adapt to changing conditions in society. This vital aspect of his position helps the officer to fairly and equitably apply and enforce the laws he has sworn to uphold. Using Discretion At some point in their lives, everyone uses discretion at one time or another. In the case of the police officer, however, discretion is an invaluable skill used in the performance of every aspect of his job function. When an officer detains a person for any reason, he must be able to qualify and justify his reasoning for the stop. If he is unable to do so, he may find himself not only in an awkward situation legally, but potentially a life-threatening one. Officers use professional discretion in a myriad of ways, from the more mundane; pulling a vehicle over because an officer observed a motorist demonstrating suspicious behavior to entering a home without a warrant due to exigent circumstances. Either way, there must be a policy in effect to control arbitrary discretion. Discretion under Control Controlling discretion should start long before the hiring process begins. The most suitable method would be a double-pronged test. The first examination would be a formal, standardized, psychological test followed up with an oral review of specific situations that an officer might run across on a daily basis. Once a candidate is hired, role-playing would be the next logical avenue to follow to hone and maintain an officer’s abilities to handle a wide variety of situations. Another alternative for controlling discretion would be an agency’s use of mechanical devices to monitor common areas and generate automated enforcement documents. Photo radar, red light cameras and generalized video surveillance are three examples of such measures. This may be a viable option for satisfying the community and making sure that all laws are enforced free of bias or opinion. Using these methods, all applicable laws and policies are followed and discrimination is kept to a minimum. Full Enforcement: Smoke and Mirrors Society is under the impression that police officers are in compliance with the complete, unilateral enforcement of all laws. This mythical aspect of policing does more harm than good in most situations since this false impression can lead to feelings of discrimination or persecution. The reality of the situation is that police officers have considerable, although unofficial, latitude in their decision-making process for day-to-day operations. â€Å"Officers are paid to make specialized decisions through a prism of their training, experience and totality of the circumstances. (Petrocelli, 2007) Police officers are allowed to diverge from full enforcement for numerous reasons and in a wide variety of different manners. However, the law and departmental policy must set limits on the amount and extent of discretion on the part of the officers. To that end, a number of different scenarios can be examined and the implications of an officer’s judgment can be seen. Actions and Reactions Here are some examples of actions and reactions that can affect, or are the result, of an officer’s exercise of his discretion. When it comes to the use of force, the police must exercise caution. For instance, when an officer finds himself with a suspect that he is absolutely certain knows the whereabouts of a kidnapped child. After a bit of hard core interrogation the suspect is still unwilling to give the location of the child. In order to obtain a confession, the officer might feel he is justified in using a considerable amount of force in acquiring this information. However, case law states that this would be an unreasonable method of obtaining a confession, even if a child’s life was at stake. On the other hand, when exigent circumstances occur, a police officer is forced to use his discretion on the spot. A dispatched officer arrives at the scene of a homicide of a well-known resident. Repeated failed attempts to contact the victim’s spouse at his residence have created a sense of urgency among the officers to prevent any further unnecessary loss of life. In this case, entry into the residence without a warrant is justified. (Dempsey & Forst, 2005) This scenario leads us to another area of discretionary action: reasonable suspicion. If an officer observes a person who appears to be carrying a concealed weapon, he is completely within his authority to conduct a stop and frisk. However, the officer must have more than just a â€Å"gut feeling†, he must actually have some reason to believe that the person has a weapon (e. g. a large bulge in the back of the shirt, the grip of a pistol protruding from a belt, etc). The officer cannot just randomly stop a passer-by on the street and frisk them simply because he thinks he might have a weapon. One common misconception is that all arrests by police officers require that the suspect be advised of his or her Miranda rights. However, ‘Mirandizing’ a suspect is not always a mandatory procedure. For example, if a suspect has been arrested and charged with a crime but not read his Miranda rights, the only complication this causes for the police is that it precludes them from using anything the suspect says as evidence against him or her in court. It is conceivable that an officer has more than enough evidence to prove his case against the offender and it is reasonable for an officer to refrain from advising him or her of his rights in such a case. (Nolo, n. . ) However, should the police act on the information from non-Miranda statements or confession, any evidence found, is considered ‘fruit of the poisonous tree’ and is inadmissible in court. Lastly, the police can face the issue of denial of counsel. During a custodial detention interrogation, a suspect requests an attorney and the police inform the suspect that one will be provided. If the officer continues an adversarial conversation without the suspect’s legal counsel present, any information obtained in not admissible in court. Furthermore, once a suspect has requested an attorney, the officer must immediately cease the interrogation or they are in violation of the suspect’s civil rights. Conclusion As we can see, the use of discretion on the part of the police is an integral part of their job. Without discretion, the police would have no choice but to enact a policy of full enforcement, which is likely to result in considerable distress among the communities. Control of discretionary behavior is vital, however, to ensure that discrimination is minimized and the law is appropriately enforced.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Sociology Essay Samples Cover Up
The Sociology Essay Samples Cover Up You thus must evaluate your sociology essay topics ideas and pick the one which is easy for your readers to comprehend. There are lots of definitions of sociology along with the ones already mentioned above. A sociology essay needs to be factual since sociology is likewise an empirical science. Consequently, self-fulfilling stereotypes are made. For that reason, it could be useful to provide a fast introduction to what sociologists do. The term, sociology isn't very old. Take excellent notes and remember sociology is all about concepts. The Sociology Essay Samples Game You've got a sociology paper coming due and for any reason, you are not able to complete it. Your sociology essay is going to be delivered punctually and can be finished in no more than 8 hours for rush work. Sociology differs from the remainder of the social disciplines since it is determined by statistical data to a substantial extent together with on interpretative assessment and written materials. Sociology is a field with a variety of applications in today's world. Modern American unions are for the most part monogamous. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Normally, undergraduate students will be offered a general subject of study and then permitted to pick a topic within that overall place. The Tried and True Method for Sociology Essay Samples in Step by Step Detail Inspiration might never come, but it's still true that you have to submit an essay punctually. Be mindful to identify whose views and ideas you're presenting. Theory application assignments generally ask you to look at empirical phenomena throughout the lens of theory. The review involves investigating the research that's been done on a specific topic and then summarizing and evaluating what you've found. Some topics seem potentially intriguing but when you get started investigating them you discover that there's so little information available. Sociology Essay Samples Explained Even if you're supposed to file your paper on short notice, you do not need to worry since we deliver order promptly. It is possible, naturally, try to discover an example of this kind of assignment on the web, but chances that you figure out how to find a great sample are, at the very least, rather remote. All you need to do is place an order. All you have to do is merely place an order! Nobody bothers to stay behind and help her or his mother including all the cleaning involved. Nobody can write a great paper in 1 draft on the evening before the paper i s due. It is crucial to include just one principal point in every paragraph. Otherwise, you might wind up writing a poor-quality paper. Likewise a photo essay may give the technical together with ethical facts about the graphics and the pictures involved. Indeed, it's very discouraging not to find the maximum grade only for using the incorrect font or spacing in your essay cover page. The very first ingredient of a high-quality paper is a great topic. You also have to be careful of them even when you're relying on secondary sources for your research. Depending on the evidence presented there are quite a few issues that may explain the changing social position of children over the previous 50 decades. Other ideas may include the fantastic debates in states seeking to add in gambling to raise the access to jobs, or in the event the present economic conditions have changed the values in the usa. Additional the ideas you present ought to be supported by relevant evidence. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Sociology Essay Samples The children attempt to e rase in equality in the sum of work done by their mother but she is adamant to allow them to take charge of the occasion. Research also demonstrates that such children are somewhat more likely to adhere to the single parent family life cycle.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Hope in the Shawshank Redemption - 1021 Words
Shawshank Redemption Essay Question 8: Analyse how specific techniques were used to portray inspiring ideas in a visual; or oral text. Directed by Frank Darabont, The Shawshank Redemption tells the Story of Andy Dufrane, a man who has been wrongly convicted of murder and must endure life inside the harsh and corrupt Shawshank prison, but despite this he never loses hope of finding freedom. Hope is an important inspiring idea in this film, as it is what sustains him during the long and difficult years within the prison, and it is the result of this enduring hope that Andy finally finds freedom. There are many visual and oral techniques used throughout the film to portray the idea of hope. This includes the hope that Andy holds, and also†¦show more content†¦The movie inspired me to never give up on hope, despite the circumstances we can face. As Andy showed in the movie, hope and also giving hope to others is the most important part of achieving your dream. If Andy had lost hope, he may have never achieved his dream and foundShow MoreRelatedHope in the Shawshank Redemption1008 Words  | 5 PagesShawshank Redemption Essay Question 8: Analyse how specific techniques were used to portray inspiring ideas in a visual; or oral text. Directed by Frank Darabont, The Shawshank Redemption tells the Story of Andy Dufrane, a man who has been wrongly convicted of murder and must endure life inside the harsh and corrupt Shawshank prison, but despite this he never loses hope of finding freedom. Hope is an important inspiring idea in this film, as it is what sustains him during the long and difficultRead MoreTheme of Hope in Shawshank Redemption797 Words  | 4 PagesThe Shawshank Redemption is hope. The film demonstrates that hope is a good thing and shows the consequences in having and lacking hope. 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When Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), says to Red (Morgan Freeman) â€Å"get busy living or get busy dying,†he is saying that it is only when you willingly risk everything, that freedom becomes possible. The film, The Shawshank Redemption takes place in the 1940’s and is the story of a Maine banker, AndyRead MoreRita Hayworth And The Shawshank Redemption Analysis1362 Words  | 6 PagesClose Comparative Analysis Of Stephen King’s Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption and Frank Darabont’s The Shawshank Redemption When comparing the ending of Stephen King’s novella, Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption with the ending of the 1994 film adaptation by Frank Darabont, The Shawshank Redemption, there are key differences. 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